Identification and Control of Eggplant Verticillium Wilt and Fusarium Wilt

Identification and Control of Eggplant Verticillium Wilt and Fusarium Wilt

Eggplant verticillium wilt and blight are one of the major diseases of eggplant. With the continuous increase of protected areas in recent years, there is a tendency to increase the incidence. Eggplant Verticillium wilt not only harms Solanaceae vegetables, but also harms many kinds of vegetables such as Cucurbitaceae and Cruciferae. First, the identification of symptoms Eggplant verticillium wilt disease incidence is small, adult plants began to appear more symptoms after fruit set, the results of the initial incidence of the most prosperous. Most of the symptoms begin to appear in the lower and middle parts of the plant, and then develop upwards or from one side to the whole plant. At the beginning of the blade, the brown green between the leaf margin and veins turns yellow, and the blade develops yellowing in the opposite direction or leaves. The early diseased leaves are wilting at high temperatures at sunny days, and can be recovered in the morning and at night. The diseased leaves turn brown from yellow and finally dry up. Fall off. The vascular bundles turned dark brown when the roots, stems, branches and petioles were removed. Eggplant wilt occurs mostly in the adult plant stage. When the soil temperature is 25-28°C, it is very beneficial to the disease. The diseased plants gradually turn yellow and withered from the bottom upwards. The symptoms are mostly expressed on the first and second layers and sometimes the same. Only half of the leaves turn yellow and the Other half is sound. When the disease is severe, the whole leaf is yellow, and the vascular bundles of the disease stem and diseased section are dark brown. Second, prevention and control measures 1, agricultural control (1) selection of disease-resistant varieties Common disease resistance varieties are Black Marshal 1, eggplant king, rich and so on. (2) Implement a reasonable crop rotation with non-sorrel crops for 3 years or more as follows: onion, garlic, rice, etc. (3) Cultivate disease-free and strong seedlings for new seedlings or use 1000-times liquid green seedlings or 0.20% blessings for seed dressing. (4) Strengthen field management Finely establish eggplant seedlings at the right time, and transplant them with herbs when planting. Pre-control watering, strengthen cultivator. The sorghum mulch film improves the low temperature and soil permeability. At the same time, the base fertilizer is applied to the organic fertilizer, and the phosphate fertilizer is applied at the seedling stage. The result is increased application of potassium fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer, and the top dressing and timely foliar spray fertilizer are applied after picking. 2. In the early stage of the disease prevention and treatment, timely irrigate 100 ml of each plant with 3000 gram of Green Hunter No.1, apply 600-800 times of green hydrazine to foliar spray or use Green Hunter No. 7 (77% copper hydroxide wettability). Powder) 600-800 times liquid foliar spray, 7-10 days 1, even spray 2-3 times. Seriously ill strains should be removed. 3, grafting disease prevention with Toruubamu, hair powder 802 and other materials as rootstock, disease prevention effect is good.

Automatic Powder Packing Machine

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Automatic Powder Packing Machine

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