Prevent Apple from falling before harvest

Pre-harvest fruit drop refers to that some varieties begin to drop fruit about one month before harvest, and the closer to maturity, the heavier the fruit drop. Such as Tsugaru, Marshal Department, Beidou, Wang Lin and other varieties before harvest serious consequences. Low soil moisture .......

Technical Measures before Shrimp Restocking

1 Dredging and disinfection

After harvesting (season or clam) shrimp, the walls must be brushed and drained. Dredging drying ponds. The sludge and debris in the shrimp pond must be completely removed. For the muddy black mud, remove it as much as possible and transport it to a plac.......

A rare fish species - Starbuckthorn

The star-spotted pheasants are commonly known as the star crickets, commonly known as flower leopards and lace claws. They are large-sized squid species. It has a delicious meat taste and good taste. It contains more collagen than gums. Its meat, meat taste and taste are better than gums. .......

Ginger and seaweed are good for sows

About 20 days before sow giving birth, 0.5 kg of ginger was crushed and 2-3 liters of ginger was mixed and fed into the feed three times. After the sows were delivered, they felt excessive water loss in the body. Thirsty, with bran 0.5 kg, salt 30 g, water 2 kg, winter and spring cold seas.......

Eating healthy vegetables requires healthy practices

US Women's Health magazine reported that the American Public Science Center (CSPI) scored the nutrition of 85 kinds of vegetables according to the items of calories, vitamin K, lutein, vitamin C, potassium, and cellulose, and finally reached the latest in super nutrition vegetables. Ra.......

When the baby is anemic, eat the end of the liver.

End of the liver

Raw materials: 1 egg, 1 duck liver and sesame oil.


1. The duck liver is cooked and cut into pieces.

2. Peel the eggs, remove the egg yolk and add appropriate amount of warm water, mix well and put it in the duck liver. Let it simme.......

How to manage mid-production females

The middle period of egg production (301-400 days old) focuses on ensuring high yield of ducks, and strives to maintain the peak period of egg production until 400 days. The concentration of dietary nutrients should be slightly higher than that of the previous period. Each duck should add .......

Oolong tea water temperature

Oolong tea water temperature

Oolong tea, nowadays the most popular tea, because it is a semi-fermented tea, less cold and full-fermented tea mellow thick unfermented tea, but at the same time have their fragrance of sweetness and color and fruit fragrance. Semi-fermented tea is all.......

Spring diet can eat more vegetables soup

The most popular "Rainbow Principle" health promotion method recently advocated is to use 5 colors as much as possible when eating enough fruits and vegetables to ensure that every color in the day can be eaten. According to this dietary approach, adequate intake of different nut.......