Medicinal silkworm rearing and processing technology

Medicinal silkworm rearing and processing technology

At present, the demand for Bombyx mori is escalating in the Chinese herbal medicine market, and feeding and processing are profitable.

The methods of feeding and processing are:
First, silkworm rearing, feeding, and processing medicinal silkworms should be carried out professionally in non-fungus-producing areas to avoid devastating effects on tussah. The time of feeding and processing can be carried out throughout the year. Feeds fed, in addition to a small amount of mulberry leaves, can be added some evening primrose, Jiancao grass, white clover, pine cones and other substitute mulberry leaves, to supplement the lack of mulberry leaves, to reduce the cost of feeding. The breeding and management techniques for adult silkworms are the same as conventional silkworm rearing techniques and need to be raised up to four times of sleep.

Second, the production of strains to take 50 500 ml empty infusion bottle, into the cold water, the Beauveria bassiana parent a, access 10 bottles, stand for 1 hour after the original species, and then each Bottle original species were connected to 5 bottles, which were made into liquid strains. If there is no test mother, cold boiled water can be used to wash the naturally infected silkworms. The cold boiled water after washing can also be used as a liquid strain.
3. After sprayed and inoculated and revived after being slept in the silkworm, the liquid bacteria were evenly sprayed onto the body of the silkworm with a sprayer, and the degree of wetness was seen with the skin. If the viability of the strain is poor, it must be inoculated within 1 hour after preparation of the liquid strain.

Fourth, to strengthen management 15 to 20 minutes after inoculation of bacteria, began to feed the grass, feeding every 5 to 6 hours. Room temperature is controlled at 20 ~ 30 °C, humidity is above 90%, avoid ventilation. In general, 20 to 24 hours after inoculation, silkworms begin to anorexia, their behavior is dull, and the body surface becomes dark brown with black spots of different shapes. By the third to fourth days, they begin to die; five to six days, the deaths reach 70. %; 7 to 8 days, all died.

During the death of silkworms, we must pick out the dead silkworms in the breeding room in time to maintain the same temperature and humidity and make them rigid enough to increase the yield and the content of the drug. After all meet the silkworm requirements, they can be sold on the Chinese herbal medicine market.

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