Twenty-four solar terms

Twenty-four solar terms

At the beginning of the winter, the bucket refers to the northwest, and the sun goes through 225 degrees. Around the time of the Gregorian calendar on November 7th, it is customary for folks to use this day as the beginning of winter. Tomorrow is the beginning of winter and the beginning of winter. During this time, what kind of customs, what should we pay attention to, and what foods should we choose to take care of ourselves?

Historical customs

The beginning of winter in October, also known as "communicate winter", the timing entered the winter, folk have "winter winter day supplement" of food customs. The ancients believed that the weather turned cold and it was necessary to supplement the body's nutrition. Ginseng, antler, dog, mutton, chicken, duck, stew, etc. It is a popular way of supplementing winter. Some Chinese pharmacies also launched Shiquan Dabu Tang, a supplement made with ten kinds of nourishing Chinese herbs or other meat.

In ancient times, the emperor had a gift for the winter in the outskirts of the country, and there was a system of giving winter clothes to the masses of the princes. In other words, like Lichun, Lixiahe and Liqiu, Liturgy will be held in winter. On the first three days before the beginning of the winter, when Tai Shigong told the emperor to set up the winter, the emperor began to bathe fast. On the winter day, the emperor passed the rate of Dr. Sangong Jiuqing to the winter in the northern suburb of Liuli. After returning, the emperor wants to reward the death for security, and he will be willing to help the widowed.

The Manchus have a custom of burning incense. Li Dong and autumn grain are stored in the warehouse. This season is the active season of the Manchu Eight Banners and the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty. Han Baqi’s ritual is called “The Flag of the Tiger Tigger Flying Flag” and the Manchu Banner is called “Burning the Musk.” "Burn musk" 5-7 days, in the first three days of performing ancestors burning incense, the whole family to eat fast for ten days, do not eat jealousy.

China's Hedong Shuixi “old Tianjin Wei” colony, Lidong has the habit of eating dumplings and melon dumplings. Also known as zucchini, papaya, melon and melon, it is a common vegetable in the north. The common melon is bought in the summer and stored in the hut or on the window sill. After a long period of saccharification, the dumplings are made on the winter solstice. The taste is different from that of Chinese cabbage. It is also different from the summer squash filling and the vinegar filling. Add garlic to eat, do not have a good feeling.

Living health

The winter wind is northerly and it is cold. "Cold" is the main feature of climate change in winter. Winter in the five organs kidney. "Winter does not hide fine, spring will be the temperature" is the so-called kidney essence to restore the essence of rejuvenation. Cold is one of the six evils, so winter should be warm to avoid the cold, living should get up early to bed. After entering the winter, in terms of daily living, it is recommended that you should go to bed early and get up late to let your sleep last longer. At this time, you will cultivate yin and raise yin and promote physical recovery. It is best to wait until the sun comes out to wake up later. Before the exercise, you must make preparations to increase the amount of exercise and avoid exercising in cold or heavy snow. If the middle-aged and the elderly exercise improperly during the winter, they can easily cause a cold. In particular, elderly people with chronic diseases may cause serious complications. Therefore, the elderly should not treat their flu with flu. Of course, in the cold winter, cold and warmth is essential, especially in the elderly, we must pay attention to the warmth of the back, because from the Chinese Speaking back is the yang and abdomen is yin, back there are a lot of acupuncture points, is the sun through this, If the cold wind blows back, it is not good for the entire body.

Sports health

1, sitting

The original text of the "Zhou Jian Ba ​​Jian" is as follows: "Yongming Wuming is the owner of the movement. When it is used to match the yin and yin, the wind and wind wood. Sitting: Every day when ugly and squatting, they are sitting, knees in one hand, and elbows in one hand. Put two or three hands and three or five degrees, vomit, cavities, and pharyngeal fluid."

Specific methods: From 3 to 7 in the morning, sit down, hold your left hand on your knees, and your right hand on your left elbow. Look back and forth on your upper body and turn around. Then try to exchange your position with your hands. Do three to five times each time, then move the teeth thirty times. Six times, the interest rate adjusted, and the body fluid was swallowed by Dantian nine times.

Adapt to illness: Chest stress stagnation, hypochondriac cult poison, back pain can not lift, dry, face dust bleaching, chest full, vomiting, food stagnation, headache, deafness, cheek swelling, liver reverse surface blue, red eyes and swelling, The two threatened to induce lower abdomen, limbs full of nausea, dizziness, head and eyes and other diseases.

2, blowing word kidney function

Specific methods: rinse, lip sound. Exhale reading and blowing, full five-finger grip, foot heart empty, the two hips raised on their own sides, around the long strong, Shen Yu forward arc and the front of the body to the level of the clavicle, the two arms to support the ball, such as two Fingertips are opposite. The body squats, the two arms fall, and both hands fall on the upper part of the knee when exhalation is done. Be upright when you go down. Exhale, and slowly rise with the inhale trend, the natural fall of the arms on both sides of the body, a total of six times, and then adjust interest rates.

Adapt to illness: can cure Yaoxisuanruan, night sweats, nocturnal emission, impotence, premature ejaculation, uterine Deficiency and other kidney diseases.

3, kidney and water lifting

Specific methods: legs standing close together, arms hanging down naturally, the two palms close to the lateral femur, fingertips close to the wind market points; pull the top, the tongue arrived on the embarrassment, but in addition to the hearts of distractions. Two palms smashed 64 times. After the hands were hot, they were applied to the back with both hands, and the two hands inside the labor palace to Shenshu points, both hands rubbing up and down at the same time 64 times (one up and one down). Then, the body leaned forward and his arms stretched straight down. Both hands seemed to lift water on the wellbore. When the left hand raised his hands, the waist and the hips moved upwards, and the right hand raised them, and the right waist and the right hips followed. mention. Lift up 64 times for each hand, and do it every morning and evening.

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