Winter cold warm Raiders

Winter cold warm Raiders

Raiders 1: Diligence.

It is recommended that you get up early to do exercise. Walking is the best option. Use faster than walking, slower than running, stride forward, throw your hands and walk for 30 minutes, promote blood running, and the whole body It will be warm, because the blood circulation and metabolism will be accelerated in the early morning, so it will be full of vitality all day and it will not be easy to chill.

You can also try simple stairs, jump in place, move for 20 minutes, reach a slight degree of sweating, all help to strengthen the body temperature regulation ability. After working for 40 minutes, it's best to stand up and walk, step, and move your fingers and toes from time to time. Y can help blood circulation.

Raiders 2: More Vitamin E Supplements

Vitamin E can expand the peripheral blood vessels, which is helpful for the circulation of peripheral blood circulation. However, the effect of vitamin E is relatively slow. It takes 3 months to be effective, and 210-250 IU per day is enough.

Raiders 3: Eat more foods containing niacin

Niacin is helpful in stabilizing the nervous system and circulatory system. It can also improve nervous tension, tension diarrhea and dermatitis. It can also expand peripheral blood vessels and improve cold hands and feet. If you take it in large amounts, it will turn red and hot.

Where is Tips 1-nicotinic acid?

Niacin is abundant in animal liver, eggs, milk, cheese, brown rice, whole wheat products, sesame, mushrooms, peanuts, green beans, and coffee.

Tips 2-Vitamin B Complex Helps Synthesize Nicotinic Acid

Vitamins B1, B2, and B6 can help the synthesis of niacin, and they want to promote peripheral blood vessel dilation, and they can add 30-60 mg of vitamin B group per day.

Raiders 4: Eat more nuts.

The body can be warmed and warmed by daily food supplements, such as walnuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts, etc.; vegetables, leeks, carrots, kale, and wolfberry.    and  H (13) 蛉狻 10.O 世唷 (7) 瘛 (1) 疵住2. 住住11.贫埂6.  (18)ヂ椤10.焯。.., are all warm Food is an ingredient that should be used by people with cold hands and feet.

It is important to remind those who are cold and cold to avoid eating cold food, ice or cold drinks throughout the year.

Raiders 5: Cultivate the habit of eating spicy food

Peppers, peppers, mustard, garlic, shallots, curries, etc. Spices can promote blood circulation. When using ordinary diets, mix them with foods. For example, add fried chilli sauce and rice noodles with chili sauce. When you drink soup, add more pepper. Powder; eat dumplings, with bowls of hot and sour soup, virtually eat a lot of spice å•°

Raiders 6: Eat warm food

Such as ginseng tea, ginger duck, longan tea, black sesame seeds, sweet dumplings, etc., etc., not only to eat in winter to warm the body, you can achieve gradually become more effective, hands and feet can no longer be cold.

There are many drugs in Chinese medicine that can improve and prevent cold hands and feet, such as ginseng, dangshen, angelica, salvia, beryllium, velvet, rabbit silk, barbados, osmanthus, Cistanche, curculigo, cassia, cassia, ephedra, Ginger, pepper, pepper, nutmeg, grass pod, etc. Whether it's tea, simmered or ate, it's just a lot of food.

Anti-cold food supplements 3 posts:

Ginseng soup

For ginseng and wolfberry, add 5 ounces of water, add 1500 cc of water, boil over the fire, and cook for 15-20 minutes on low heat.

Ginseng walnut drink

Ginseng 7-8 tablets, 15-20 pieces of walnuts, add water to cover it, boil over with a fire, and then cook on low heat for 10-20 minutes, warm drink before going to bed, can drink soup, but it is best to cook Residues are taken together.

Jujube longan drink

Jujube, longan amount, add water boiled to drink, especially for anemia, easy to feel dizzy people.

Raiders 7: Don't be hungry

Do not eclipse or overweight and let the body store some amount of fat that helps maintain body temperature. If you know in advance that you are busy with work and cannot eat on time, you can prepare some cookies, bread, or ginseng tea to supplement your calories in a timely manner.

Raiders 8: Taking Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine also has a fixed prescription to treat cold hands and feet, such as Shiquandabutang, Bazhentang, Sijunzitang, Siwutang, Lizhongtang, Guiqijianzhongtang, Fuzi Lizhongtang, Guizhitang, Gegentang, and Ephedra. Soup, Angelica Sini decoction, Kidney Pill, Yougui Pill, etc. These traditional Chinese medicines are generally more suitable for those who have a cold constitution. If you are not sure, you can also ask a Chinese medicine practitioner to open a prescription.

Raiders 9: Keep warm

Don't be fond of the beauty, or wear too much to be laughed by people, and wear less warm clothes, and keep warm measures such as coats, hair caps, gloves, scarves, masks, sanitary ware, socks, etc. Fully dressed. Before taking off the added coat, make sure that the weather is warm. Don't take off your warm clothes immediately because of psychological irritability, nervousness, hot flashes, or feeling fever afterwards.

Do not wear too tight clothing, because too tight clothing will hinder blood circulation. Before going to bed at night, remember to wear warm woolen socks to help your feet stay cold. You should be aware that if the feet lose their temperature, it is not easy to fall asleep.

Raiders 10: Oil Soap

When you are free, you can take a bath, and add ginger or chamomile, basil, cinnamon, rosemary and other essential oils, pepper bathing agents, etc. in the hot water, all can promote blood circulation, so that the body warm up.

When taking a bath, cold water and hot water can be used alternately to flush the hands and feet, so that the purpose of unblocking the blood can be achieved through the expansion of the cold and hot blood vessels. Using hot water and bubble hands and feet before going to bed can also promote peripheral blood circulation and help you fall asleep. Don't forget to dry your towel immediately after bathing, and put warm socks on.

Super bubble hands and feet:

If your hands and feet are really cold, the hot water in the district can no longer meet you. I suggest you find a bucket filled with hot water + rice wine + ginger, the ratio of hot water and rice wine is 1:1, watching TV Or soak at rest, it's very effective

Raiders 11: Acupressure

Chinese medicine practitioners suggest that daily massage can relieve symptoms of cold hands and feet and body chills.

If there is a body chilling phenomenon

You can massage... Hoku at the inside of the thumb, Neiguan at 3-5cm inside the wrist, and Zusanli at 6-8cm below the knee

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