Black Mountain Bubble Tea

Black Mountain Bubble Tea

The Zhengshan race is the originator of the world's black tea. Its color is green and brown. It is more oily, has a natural floral fragrance, is mellow and cool, and has an orange-yellow-brown color. It is blended with other teas to enhance the taste. .......

Choosing the right vegetable selection science practice

Red bell pepper

Red bell pepper contains a lot of vitamin c, and vitamin c can improve the body's immune function. It has been found that the vitamin c that can enhance immune function contained in one red bell pepper is a daily recommended intake proposed by the American Acade.......

Crab practice in different places

Autumn is the best time to taste crabs. Tender and delicious crabs are a favorite of many people. Hairy crabs have always been a nutritious and delicious food. However, there is also stress on eating crabs. How do you eat crabs? Let Xiaobian tell you the following.

Crab practice in.......

Feeding Layers on Silage Improves Egg Production

Silage is a kind of feed obtained by crushing green feed such as corn stalk, wheat straw, etc., under confined anoxic conditions, through fermentation. Silage is soft, palatable, nutritious, and conducive to long-term preservation. It is an excellent feed source for.......

Discussion on Pattern of Chicken Breeding in Apple Orchard

Shaanxi Luochuan is endowed with unique natural resources. The apples produced are well-shaped, colorful, high-quality, and green and safe. They are well-known both at home and abroad. In order to improve soil properties and improve fertility, we have started to implement the ecological mo.......

Cement floor pig breeding drawbacks

In rural areas, the use of all-cement floors in pig houses tends to be hygienic, but overall it does more harm than good. The main drawbacks are:

1. Affect the pig's intake of minerals. Pigs have habits of arching, they can directly take in minerals and trace elements from the .......

Feed for chicks

After drinking water, young chicks can eat 1 hour, and feed 1-3 days old. 100 grams of corn flour was added to the starter diet and 1 gram of yeast powder was added. On the second day, the diets containing 27-28% of protein were fed. After 4 days of age, they were gradually replaced with chick.......

Before and after management of leeks

After the winter temperature drops, cultivation of leeks needs to be insulated with sheds. The field management techniques during the shed period are briefly described below.

Before the shed (1) clean the bowl. In early November, the leeks began to dry after several frosts. At this.......