Morphological characteristics of various molds - 5

1.3.5 Fusarium oxysporum strain On the potato-glucose agar, the aerial hyphae grow well, the spider silky, silky sometimes with powder, up to 7mm-8mm, pale rose, light pink one ocean Red, magenta color storage. The opposite side is different in magenta or light pur.......

Early-late rice heat damage

1, increase fertilization material: in the last one leaf when the full exhibition of urea 1-2.5 kg per kg or 8-10 Dan ash, urea, superphosphate, etc. can be used to leaf the water in the ear to heading. Spraying.

2, field irrigation temperature: high temperature season, irrigation .......

Radish Variety - Chunhong No. 1

The fleshy roots are long and cylindrical, with an average root length of 13.7 centimeters, a horizontal diameter of 3.3 centimeters, and a single root weight of 125 grams. The skin color is full red and the meat is white. The skin is smooth and beautiful, with moderate moisture content, no pu.......

Orchard autumn management technical points

In the autumn, apple-dominated fruit trees and late maturing varieties gradually ripen. It is also a critical period for the deep differentiation of flower buds and the storage of organic nutrients. At the same time, the fruit trees are also faced with natural disasters such as hail and ra.......