Changing Traditional Ideas and Implementing Autumn Basal Fertilizer

Changing Traditional Ideas and Implementing Autumn Basal Fertilizer

Farmers often focus on spring fertilization. This fertilization habit is proved by production practice to be inconsistent with the growth and development of fruit trees, and is in contradiction with the law of fertilizer requirements of fruit trees. The correct fertilization method should be based on September-October basal fertilizer, supplemented by top-dressing from June to July, and a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be added before sprouting in spring. In other words, we must change the habit of spring fertilization mainly to autumn basal fertilization.

This is because: First, September-October basal fertilizer can significantly increase the accumulation of tree nutrients, which is very beneficial to the growth of fruit trees in the following year. Fruit trees from defoliation, dormancy to spring budding, leaf spreading, Changchun shoots, and flowering and fruit setting all use the nutrients stored in the previous year's tree. The level of tree nutrient accumulation directly affects the number and quality of flower buds, the length of spring shoot growth, and the number of fruit set. Second, from September to October, fruit trees have consumed a lot of nutrients, both to ensure the normal growth of fruits, but also to store nutrition for winter fruit trees, it is indeed necessary to add a lot of nutrition. Third, September-October is the third peak of fruit tree root growth, and it is also the peak period of absorption of nutrients. Fourth, after the base fertilizer was applied from September to October, the nutrient levels stored by the tree were high, which could effectively enhance its ability to withstand frost and frost damage.

However, in the production practice, it is difficult to fertilize the fruit trees from September to October. This is because some fruit trees are in harvest time or close to harvest time, and the orchard operation is very inconvenient. In spite of this, it is still necessary to vigorously promote the use of basal fertilisers in fruit trees.

The fertilization time can be carried out from the time of fruit picking to the time of falling leaves. The fertilization time varies depending on the species and species. For example, pears should be fertilized before and after the autumn equinox (late September, mid-maturing varieties after harvesting); grapes, peaches, and cherries should be fertilized before the soil is frozen in October. The earlier the fertilization, the better the effect.

Fertilizers are dominated by organic fertilizers, with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers. The saplings are given more phosphorus fertilizer, resulting in more nitrogen and potassium fertilizers applied to big trees. Before the application of organic fertilizers, superphosphate and other phosphate fertilizers are added together for stacking, and a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizers such as urea, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate and the like are applied in combination.

The amount of base fertilizer applied depends on soil conditions, tree species and tree age. In general, mountainous and orchard orchards have poor soil quality, and the amount of fertilizer should be large; flat orchards are fertile and can be used less frequently. Grapes require large amounts of fertilizer and should be applied more. Young, Wang tree need a small amount of fertilizer, can be applied appropriately. Normal saplings each apply 15-20 kilograms of excrement or chicken manure and 2.5 kg of ammonium sulfate; the initial result tree is 80-100 kilograms of compost per plant, 20-25 kilograms of human excrement or chicken excrement; the result is a large tree. Determine the amount of fertilizer according to the output, generally 2000 kilograms of per mu, require "pounds and nuts"; 2500-3500 kilograms of per mu, require "half the weight of pounds and nuts," and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

The fertilization method determines the fertilization method according to the condition of the tree body and soil fertility. Basal fertilizer is suitable for deep application. Saplings can be applied appropriately. Saplings are usually fertilized on a single plant, and they are fertilized in a circular groove with a width of 30 cm and a depth of 40-50 cm at the edge of the vertical projection of the crown. As a result, fertilization of big trees usually uses two methods: First, the whole garden is applied, combined with autumn ploughing, and the garden soil is deep-falled for 30 centimeters to turn the fertilizer into the ground; the second is to open the radial fertilization and dig 4-6 deep for each plant 40 - Radial grooves 50 cm wide and 34-45 cm wide. Apply fertilizer and mix well with soil. Can also be excavated in the outer edge of the canopy, a width of 50 cm in the ring groove, and then to the trunk as a center, dug a number of radial grooves, close to the trunk depth of 15 cm or so, gradually deepened outward to meet the ring groove . Before the fertilization, the exposed roots are flattened along the ditch, and the cuts must be smooth to prevent rot. The fertilizer is applied layer by layer and the leaves, weeds, etc. are placed on the bottom layer. The top layer is filled with organic fertilizer. Each layer of fertilizer is applied with a layer of soil. Finally, the fertilizer is 10-15 cm above the ground.

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