The advantages and precautions of dairy cows feeding fresh beer

The advantages and precautions of dairy cows feeding fresh beer

First, the advantages of dairy cows feeding fresh beer

1. Conserve feed at the same protein level, the price of brewers' grains is cheaper; the palatability of brewers' grains is excellent, and cows like to eat. According to local experience, the amount of 7-8 kg per head per day is appropriate, the production performance can be significantly improved, and there is no adverse effect on cattle, generally not more than 10 kg.

2. In place of the high crude protein content of some concentrates, crude protein in the dry matter of fresh brewer's grains was 28.4%, and the crude protein was relatively high in rumen protein. Replacing 30% of concentrates in the basic ration of dairy cows with brewer's gruel (corn, bean cake and bran, respectively, 10%), the production performance was slightly improved, and feed costs were greatly reduced.

3. Reducing heat stress During the summer heat season, feeding a suitable amount of brewer's grains to lactating cattle can maintain milk production and minimize the effects of heat stress.

Second, pay attention to the issues of feeding fresh brewers' grains

1. During the feeding period, the lactating cows within 1 month postpartum should be fed as little or as little as possible to avoid aggravating the negative nutritional balance in the early stage of lactation, and delaying the recovery of the reproductive system of the dairy cows has an adverse effect on the estrus breeding.

2. Feeding in a timely manner As a result of the fact that brewer's grains are by-products of brewing, which are rich in microorganisms and have a high water content, they deteriorate quickly. When feeding, be sure to keep fresh, and add 150-200 grams of baking soda per cow per day. For those who can't feed the beer, they must be properly preserved. In the winter, it can be extended to 5-7 days. The spring and autumn seasons should be fed within 2-3 days. The brewers' grains in summer should be fed daily.

3. Nutritional balance Feeding a large amount of fresh brewer's grains will reduce dry matter intake, especially when feeding silage rations. Although the crude protein content of brewer's grains is abundant, the calcium and phosphorus content is low and the proportion is not suitable. Therefore, the nutrient concentration of the dietary concentrate should be increased when feeding, and calcium supplement should be noted at the same time. Bone meal accounts for 2% of the dietary concentrate, which is beneficial to the health of the cow, which is beneficial to milk production and avoids the occurrence of nutritional metabolic diseases.

4. Scientifically storing beer grains should be stored in a clean place on the cattle farm, preferably in a plastic bag or on a concrete floor.

5. The only coarse material that should not be used as the diet for the feeding of bad residue type should be mixed with dry coarse material and silage; with the silage, sodium bicarbonate should be added to the diet.

6. Treatment of poisoning feeding when chronic poisoning occurs, it is necessary to immediately reduce the amount of feed and symptomatic treatment in a timely manner, especially for laminitis, must be treated as an emergency, or later bad. When treating brewer's poisoning, the emphasis is on increasing blood volume, supplementing alkali and detoxification. Increase blood volume can be intravenously 5% of sugar in patients with saline and compound sodium chloride injection. For diseased cattle with acidosis, 5% sodium bicarbonate injection may be given intravenously. Detoxification can be intravenous injection of 25% glucose injection, vitamin C and so on.

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