Spectral lighting stimulates the design of the light controller of myopia treatment instrument

Spectral lighting stimulates the design of the light controller of myopia treatment instrument

Spectral light stimulation myopia treatment device is based on the light spectrum to stimulate the eyes and acupuncture points around the eyes to achieve the purpose of treating myopia.

1 Technical requirements

According to the relevant data, the light spectrum uses red, green and blue lights to separately stimulate the eyes and acupuncture points around the eyes. The general requirements are: red light is weak (light 1 s), medium (light 1 s), strong (bright 1 s), stop 3 S, cycle 3 rain; red (light 1 S, off 1 s), red (light 1 S, off 1 s), blue (light 1 S, off 1 s) cycle 1.5 rain; Red (lighting 0.3 s), green (lighting 0.3 s), blue (lighting 0.3 s) cycle for 1.5 min.

2 controller ASM flow chart

According to the above technical requirements, the controller ASM flow chart can be drawn as shown in FIG. 1 . The system is in the TO (0000) state, receives the MF command, s1=1, the control signal CLR=1, the clock signal is cleared, and the timer starts to enter T1.

Cycle 1: TI (0001) state, the red light is weak; when the time t=1 S, the state signal S2=1, the control signal CLRl=1, 1 S is cleared, enters the T2 (0010) state, and the red light is on. When the time t=1 S, enter the T3 (0011) state, the red light is strong; when the time t=1 S, enter the T4 (0100) state, the red light is off; when the time t=3 S, the status signal S3=1, the control signal CLR2=1, 3 s is cleared; at this time, if the time t<3 min, enter the T1 (0001) state loop; if t≥3 rain, the state signal S4-1 enters the T5 state, the control signal CLR = 1, the clock signal is cleared.

Cycle 2: T5 (0101) state, the red light is strong; when the time t=1 S, the state signal S2-1, the control signal CLRl=1, 1 S is cleared, enters the T6 (0110) state, the red light is off; When the time t=1 S, enter the T7 (0111) state, the red light is strong; when the time t=1 S, enter the T8 (1000) state, the red light is off; when the time t=l S, enter the T9 ( 1001) state, blue light is strong; when time t=1 S, enter T10 (1010) state, blue light is off 1 S; then if time t<1.5 min, enter T5 state cycle; if t≥1 .5 min, the status signal S5=1, enters the T11 state, the control signal CLR=1, and the clock signal is cleared.

Cycle 3: T11 (1011) state, red light is on, when time t=0.3 S, state signal S6=1, control signal CLR3=1, 0.3 S clear, enter T12 (1100) state, green light Bright; when the time t=0.3 S, enter the T13 (1101) state, the blue light is on 0.3 S; then if the time t <1.5 min, enter. Tll state loop; if t≥1.5 rain, state signal s5=1, enter TO state.

The controller can be designed using the ASM method, based on the ASM drawing state transition table, writing the drive equations and output equations, and then designing with flip-flops, data selectors, and decoders. The MDS method can also be used, because the state is more, the input variables are more, and the MDS method is relatively simple.

3 controller MDS state diagram

The MDS state diagram is drawn according to ASM, as shown in Figure 2.

4 hardware implementation

4.1 Component selection

According to the MDS map, the four-bit binary counter 74161 is selected as the basic component, the logic diagram of the 74161 is shown in Figure 3, and the function table is shown in Figure 4.

The 74161 has three operations: counting, holding, and preset. In order to make the combination of the circuit as simple as possible, priority is given to the counting and holding functions. According to the MDS chart and the 74161 function table, the 74161 operation table can be drawn as shown in Fig. 5.

4.2 Find the excitation function of the function control terminal and the number terminal

74161 function control terminals are: Cr, LD, P, T; the number of terminals are: D, C, B, A. In order to obtain the excitation function of each channel, the Karna maps of the excitation functions are respectively shown in Fig. 6.

Cr is the clearing end, because there is no clearing operation, so Cr=1 in each of the Karnaugh maps. T and P are the counting and holding function control terminals. When P=1, T=1, the count is held. When P and T have one zero, they are kept, so T=1 in each of the Karnaugh maps, and P is in the Karnaugh map. Fill in the corresponding conditions; if P is in the TO state, count when S1=1, so fill in the TO grid with S1, and fill in the corresponding conditions in the other grids. LD is the counting and setting function control terminal. When LD is zero, the number is set. When it is 1, it counts. Only when it is in T4, T10, T13 state, the other states are counted. In order to simplify the circuit, LD is used in the Karnaugh map. Indicates, so the other tables are filled with 0, and the corresponding conditions are filled in the T4, T10, and T13 boxes.

Set terminal: At T4, when S3=1, S4=O, transfer to T1, the set number is (0001), so fill in 0, O, O, 1 in D, C, B, A; At T10, when s2=1, S5=O, transfer to T5, the set number is (0101); at T13, when S6=1, S5=1, transfer to TO(0000), when S6=1, When S5=O, it is transferred to T11, (1011), so it is filled in the D, B, and A grids, and S5 is filled in the C grid. According to the Karnaugh map, each excitation function can be written:

In order to simplify the circuit CLR clear at S4 = 3 min and S5 = 1.5 min and CLR1 at S2 = 1 s, the clear circuit is drawn in the clock circuit.

5 controller logic diagram

According to the MDS diagram, the excitation function and the output function, the controller logic diagram can be drawn as shown in Figure 7; the controller simulation waveform diagram is shown in Figure 8.

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