Measures to suppress chicken gizzards

Measures to suppress chicken gizzards

1 Must provide a well-balanced diet. In the case of corn as the main component, diets that do not contain animal protein (generally require 5% to 10%) should pay special attention to the balance of amino acids and try to avoid single feed composition. At the same time, we must ensure the comprehensive supply of minerals such as trace elements and vitamins. Prior to the start of production, some more electrolytic dimensions were added to their diets to improve the body's anti-stress ability to reduce the impact of physiological factors on the body. After entering the peak of egg production, pay attention to the supplement of calcium and phosphorus in the diet so that the calcium content in the diet reaches 3.25%-3.75%, and the ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 6.5:1. A hard, unbreakable sand stone can also be selected from the river sand as a supplement to the gravel to improve the chicken's digestive capacity (small rice grain size for chicks, and corn grain size for chickens, 0.5% to 1%). In conclusion, the composition and formulation of diets should be handled and fed according to standard procedures.

2 Improve feeding management and eliminate stress stimuli. This includes reducing stocking density, group management, and avoiding overcrowding (groups of about 200 per group are appropriate; layer chickens can accommodate up to 50 per square meter before 4 weeks of age, 30 to 8 weeks of age, and 9 to 18 weeks of age 15 Only after 18 weeks of age is raised in cages); the drinking trough and trough should be placed properly (about 2-3 slugs and 2 or 3 gutters per 100 chickens before laying, which are basically maintained at each egg 20-25 chickens, 1 bucket and sink, with the exception of cage raising); strengthen ventilation and minimize the harmful gas content in the house (for example, ammonia concentration should not exceed 20 mg per cubic meter); adjust lighting Prevent long-time irradiation of strong light; Strict control of temperature and humidity, avoid crowded stacking caused by environmental discomfort (optimal temperature of laying hens is 15 °C ~ 25 °C, relative humidity of 55% ~ 65%); egg box to avoid exposure The prevention of injury caused by improper placement of equipment such as cages, etc.; timely interruption of paralysis; periodic elimination of parasites; and measures to prevent the occurrence of prolapse of the anus.

3 symptomatic treatment. The occurrence of various diseases caused by phlegm, take symptomatic treatment, you can quickly eliminate phlegm; for chickens that have occurred, you can take some methods of treatment. Such as: timely removal of chickens with strong tendencies to each other alone. At the same time, isolate the chickens that are being licked, and apply the bitter-tasting anti-inflammatory drugs such as gentian violet, berberine, and chloramphenicol to the site of the bedding. Due to feed-induced causes of caries, identify the lack of nutrients and timely supply, such as protein and amino acid deficiency, add soybean meal, fish meal, blood meal; if iron deficiency and vitamin B2, each adult chicken each time to give ferrous sulfate 1 2g and B25-10mg, for 3 to 5 days; Pheasant can add 0.2% methionine to the diet or 0.5 to 3 g of gypsum powder per day for each chicken; add 1% to the salt-deficient diet ~ 2% salt, for 3 to 4 days, but can not be fed for a long time; lack of sulfur caused by the scrofula, can be added to the material 1% sodium sulfate, after the sacral anal stop to 0.1% sodium sulfate, and add green feed. The occurrence of quail eggs can increase the number of quail eggs, increase the protein content of feed and supplement calcium. In addition, the recommended crude fiber content in the diet is 3% to 4%, promote intestinal peristalsis, and facilitate the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

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Veterinary Products list




ProcainePenicillin+Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate Powder for inj. 0.5G 50Vials/Box
Lysozyme Inj. 80000IU 10Vials/Box
Diminazene acetruate+antipyretic For inj. 23.6G 10Vials/Box
Ceftiofur Sodium For Inj. 0.5G,1.0G 1`s/Box
Dihydrostreptomycin Sulfate for inj. For Inj. 0.45Mega 1`s/Box
Oxytrtracycline injection 5% ,10% 50ml, 100ml 1`s/Box
Ivermectin injection 1%50ml, 200m 1`s/Pack
Gentamycin Sulfate injection 10%, 100ml 1`s/Box
Levamisole injection 5%, 10% 100ml 1`s/Box
Dextriferron injection 5%, 10%, 100ml 1`s/Box
Tylosin Injection 5%, 10%, 100ml 1`s/Box
Enrofloxacin injection 2.5%, 10%, 100ml 1`s/Box
Closantel Sodium injection 5%,  100ml 1`s/Box
Florfenicol Injection 20%, 30%, 100ml 1`s/Box
Sodium selemite and vitamin E inj. 0.1%+5%, 100ml 1`s/Box
VAD3E inj. 100ml 1`s/Box
Amitraz Drench 12.5% 100ml 1`s/Box
Albendazole Suspension 2.5%, 100ml 1`s/Box
Toltrazuril Oral Solution 2.5% 100ml 1`s/Box
Flumequine Solution 10% 100ml 1`s/Box
Albendazole Bolus 150mg,250mg,600mg,1.5g 5`sx10/Box
Levamisole Bolus 150mg, 300mg 5`sx10/Box

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