Attention to cure corn rot

Attention to cure corn rot

According to the investigation of the plant protection station in Bin County, Heilongjiang Province, the corn top rot occurred seriously, and the incidence of heavy land mass was 30%, the dead seedling rate was 5%, and the incidence of light field disease was also about 5%. Corn top rot is an important disease of corn. China was first discovered in Fuxin, Liaoning Province in 1998 and it is a new disease of corn. In 2002, top rot occurred in the corn producing areas in Liaoning Province, which caused serious production losses. Corn top rot can be infected during the entire growth period of corn. Infection at seedling stage showed slow growth of plants, chlorotic leaves, chlorotic chlorosis, yellow streaks, and deformed, shrunken or distorted leaves. Severe diseased plants withered or died; in the middle and late stages, the base of the leaves rotted, only the main veins were present, and the upper middle Incomplete but often malformed, the newly emerged new leaves rot at the top, resulting in short leaves, dead leaves or incomplete leaves, cutting edges often appear like a knife-like nicks and yellow stripes; plant susceptible, there are different degrees of dwarfing, The top leaves are short, the tissue is incomplete or wrinkled, the stem base is short in internodes, and there are often insect-like borehole-like cracks. The longitudinal section shows browning. Mild disease-sensed plants can be drawn at the end of the period, but the ear is small and not much. solid. The roots of the susceptible plants are underdeveloped. The main roots are short, the root hairs are numerous and the fines are velvet-like, and the root crown decays and browns. When the humidity in the field is high, pink and white molds appear in the diseased area. The symptoms of corn top rot are complex and diverse. Some of the symptoms are similar to corn physiological diseases, insect pests, and seedling symptoms of corn head smut. They are easy to confuse. Therefore, special attention should be paid in diagnosis and identification. In general, the incidence of corn top rot in low-lying land masses and heavy soil masses is heavy. In particular, the incidence of land masses in flooded fields is more severe; the incidence of lighter slopes and high-grade land masses, and seed colonization also contribute to the incidence of mountainous lands. improve. In the early spring, the growth of corn seedlings weakened and provided good conditions for the invasion of pathogenic bacteria. In addition to infestation of corn, maize rot pathogens also infect sorghum, sudan grass, millet, wheat, rice, pearl millet and other grasses, as well as weeds such as green foxtail and crabgrass. Maize top rot is soil habitation bacteria. The seeds can spread long-distance transmission. The bacteria have the ability to infect and re-infect the system. Compared with other corn diseases, corn top rot causes more serious damage and potential danger. Bigger. Prevention and cure of corn top rot. 1. Breeding resistant varieties. There is a difference in disease resistance among varieties. In production, planting resistant varieties can control the occurrence of top rot. Chemical control. At the beginning of the disease, we can choose to control chemicals. Commonly used agents include 50% carbendazim WP, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, 80% mancozeb WP, and watered leaf spray. Maize top rot disease is still a newly discovered disease in China in recent years. Domestic research has not yet been carried out. The corresponding disease occurrence, development, and epidemic laws are still rare, and it is difficult to formulate accurate and effective disease prevention measures to guide prevention and control.

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