Ten kinds of food that "male" can't stop eating

Ten kinds of food that "male" can't stop eating

1. Salmon: 6 ounces (170 grams) of salmon provide 34 grams of protein, 4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy fat that reduces swelling to help repair muscles, and it can help inhibit cortisol. Decreased cortisol levels, testosterone levels will gradually increase and help muscle growth. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids also allows most of the absorbed glucose to enter muscle instead of being converted into fat.

2. Lean Beef: Many people with difficult muscles mistakenly discard fat, thinking that it will increase body fat. However, under the omega-3 synergistic action in fish, saturated fat in beef actually helps muscle growth. Too little saturated fat intake can jeopardize the levels of testosterone and islet-like growth factors that help increase muscle growth. Beef is also a source of cholesterol. Cholesterol is the main ingredient in the body's own synthesis of testosterone. Of course, beef is also rich in creatine, vitamin B and zinc...

3. Eggs: Nutritionists have a variety of different ways to score the ability of various protein foods to promote growth. Eggs are at the top of almost all standards. Because they are the most easily absorbed - the body can easily break them down into amino acids, the raw material for muscle growth. Whole eggs are also rich in healthy fats, saturated fats, and lecithin, all of which help muscle growth. The egg yolk may not be ideal during the sculptural period, but do not forget it during the non-season weight gain period.

4, full-fat milk: If you really have a hard time but they are longing for long meat, do not drink skim milk, fat-reduced milk! Those are for weight loss people. 16 ounces of whole milk provides 16 grams of protein and 16 grams of fat. Compared with other foods, the fat in milk is generally short-chain. Short-chain fats are more anabolic and prevent muscle breakdown, and they are less likely to be stored as body fat than other fats. Fat in milk can help the body absorb vitamin D and reduce the risk of cancer. The big guys of the 1960s and 1970s - Arnold, Franco drinking so much whole milk was not accidental

5. Apple juice: Ironically, going to the gym crazy is actually tearing the muscles. After that you will reap, when your body begins to repair, and it is over-recovery. Drinking 12-16 ounces of apple juice before going for a workout can provide 45-60 grams of carbohydrates and quickly replenish your energy (due to the glucose in the juice), and the energy is continuous (because it also contains fructose). This helps to suppress cortisol and reduce muscle damage so that you can train more groups.

6, white bread: You know this principle - eat less carbohydrates, because they contain less fiber than coarse grains, nutrition, and increase insulin levels. Many times it is like this. Then, white bread is really good for you who just finished exercising. Because you need easy-to-digest carbohydrates to restore your already emptied muscle glycogen levels and increase insulin secretion to help muscle growth, and suppress post-training cortisol. 4 slices of white bread can provide about 50 grams of digestible carbohydrates.

7, pasta: (pasta) muscle growth requires a lot of carbohydrates as raw materials. What's more, carbohydrates fundamentally increase the efficiency of protein metabolism so that ingested protein enters the muscles to help grow. In other words, without carbohydrates, the proteins you absorb will not work well for muscle growth. A cup of cooked macaroni has about 45 grams of carbohydrates. A hard-to-reach person wants to eat at least the amount of meat needed for each meal.

8. Garlic: How can a plant that is basically free of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, or fats help long meat? The answer is that it will significantly increase hormone levels in your body. Long flesh is the right nutrient - carbohydrate, protein and fat - at the right time. But this also requires an appropriate hormonal environment to stimulate growth. Animal studies have shown that large intakes of garlic and high protein intake increase testosterone levels and reduce muscle breakdown. This is a state of growth promotion.

9, yogurt: natural yogurt, whether it is low-fat or full-fat can be bought in health food stores. The best choice is yogurt that contains active "good bacteria". This probiotic bacteria reach the gastrointestinal tract and helps the body maintain a healthy balance. This good bacteria boosts the immune system and increases the absorption of nutrients. Another benefit is that calcium, which controls muscle contraction, can also reduce fat storage...

10. Olive oil: Research shows that olive oil inhibits inflammation of the body and reducing inflammation means better recovery. Olive oil also provides hormone-like substances to boost testosterone, and like any lipid, it provides a lot of calories that help the body enter a state that promotes growth. It is also rich in healthy fats.

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