Eating vegetarian food may not be healthy

Eating vegetarian food may not be healthy

Experts said: Eating vegetarian food may not be able to be healthy. From a nutritional point of view, vegetarian and animal foods contain different nutrients that the body needs. However, vegetarian food has some disadvantages in terms of nutrients, such as vegetarianism. The proteins contained are incomplete proteins and cannot supply all the amino acids the human body needs, and the nutritional value is worse.

In order to avoid this defect, vegetarians should pay attention to food mix. If you are a complete vegetarian, you can increase the nutritional value of vegetarian food by eating more bean products, especially soy products such as tofu and soymilk. If it is not a complete vegetarian diet, nutrition can be supplemented by soy products combined with milk and lean meat.

At the same time, vegetarians must pay special attention to vitamin B12, iron and calcium. The lack of vitamin B12 can cause anemia. The lack of iron can easily lead to iron deficiency anemia, and calcium deficiency can affect bones and teeth.

The simple vegetarian diet is very dull. Eating a long time affects appetite, so many vegetarians will increase the taste and increase appetite by increasing vegetable oils, frying, adding seasonings, but the result is a more unhealthy diet. Now, everyone is already familiar with eating more animal fats, which is not good for health, but it should be noted that vegetable oils contain a lot of calories. Eating too much vegetable oil can also cause obesity. Especially palm oil and coconut oil contain more saturated fats. Should eat less.

Incorrect cooking methods can also affect the health effects of vegetarian foods. Usually, fried, preserved, and foods containing pigments and monosodium glutamate are not ideal health foods. Therefore, some vegetarians such as pickles, fermented bean curd, stinky tofu, fried fruit, French fries, etc. should eat less or not eat.

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