How to scientifically apply Mo fertilizer

An effective molybdenum content of less than 0.1 mg/kg in soil is the critical value of molybdenum deficiency.

Molybdenum fertilizer is the earliest trace element fertilizer in China. It is widely used in leguminous crops (soybeans, peanuts), legume green manure crops, cruciferous .......

Integrated speed, "business" machine unlimited

The pharmaceutical distribution industry is an important link linking pharmaceutical production and retail terminals. The business model mainly includes distribution and retailing: 1. The distribution business is the main business, in which the gross profit of.......

Total number of colonies exceeded - a safe food

In the spot checks of cooked meat products, cakes, ice cream, bottled drinking water, etc., the total number of colonies exceeds the standard is the main reason for the product being judged as unqualified, and some foods (such as bottled water) may exceed t.......