Postpartum Care of Kiwifruit Fruit Trees

Postpartum Care of Kiwifruit Fruit Trees

Xixia County of Henan Province is located at the western edge of the Nanyang Basin in the southwest of Henan. The county has a total area of ​​5.18 million mu with a forest coverage rate of 76.8%. The light is abundant, the rainfall is abundant, and the four seasons are distinct. It is the best suitable area for kiwifruit and a dominant planting area. In the past, fruit farmers in my county attached great importance to fruiting management and neglected fruiting tree management, which had a certain impact on fruit tree growth and yield. Because the management of kiwi fruit after harvesting directly affected the yield and quality of kiwifruit in the coming year, it should be strengthened after fruit picking. management. Fruits of kiwi fruit trees are as weak as the mothers after picking and need to be supplemented with tree nutrients. The growth and development of fruit trees in the coming year, including germination, leaf spreading, branching, flowering and fruit setting, most of the nutrients needed are from nutrients accumulated in the tree. The "postpartum" management skills of kiwi fruit trees are actually introduced based on the actual production of kiwifruit in my county.
1. Strengthen water and fertilizer management
1.1 Fertilization
1.1.1 Soil fertilization After the fruit trees are harvested, the soil should be cultivated immediately and the depth is generally 5 to 10 cm. Before deciduous combined with base fertilizer deep ploughing, 30 ~ 40cm is appropriate. After the fruit is harvested, a quick-release fertilizer should be applied. Each age-appropriate fruit tree is applied with 0.5 kg urea and then watered. Prior to the fall of the fruit trees in the fall, a base fertilizer was applied to produce high-quality farmyard manure, and a small amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were mixed. In addition, the causal tree is not tolerant, and if the orchard has accumulated water during the rainy season, it should be promptly discharged.
1.1.2 Foliar Fertilizer Spray Growth Regulator After harvesting, the fruit tree can be sprayed with paclobutrazol solution with concentration of 500 mg/L for 1 to 2 times, and mixed with 0.3% urea solution or 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution.
1.1.3 Watering the Winter Water Before the soil is frozen, it is best to pour the fruit trees once to ensure the safe wintering of the fruit trees. The amount of water depends on the degree of drought and the age of the trees.
2.Pest and pest control: Cut off pests and branches, clean orchards, scrape off trunk cracks, scrape eggs, coat white trunks, turn tree trays in winter and other measures to kill disease debris and eggs, insects, etc., reduce pests Source of infection, inhibition of pests and diseases.
3. Trim
3.1 Pruning time: 10 days after the fall to 20 days before the injury. The local pruning period is from November 20 to December 20.
3.2 Newly planted saplings Winter cutting: After the late autumn and early winter planting, before the heavy snowfall, 3 to 4 full-buds and heavy shears are selected from the grafted area and the buried frozen soil is cut.
3.3 Planting one-year-old tree cuts: Short-cut from the higher-filling buds that cultivated the strongest shoots of the year, leaving only one trunk, and the rest of the shoots were cut off from the base.
3 to 42 years old winter cut: From the main bud full of short shoots, if there are side vines also from the side of the vine full of short shoots, each side vines spaced 30 ~ 40cm branches spacing, vertical to the main vine direction Evenly distributed.
3.5 The first winter fruit tree cut: 3 to 4 years old, with a strong and robust crown structure as the center, rational distribution of the main vine, side vines, and fruiting branches. Continuing to promote long branches, expand the shelves, and strictly control the amount of fruit-bearing so as to enter the fruit period as soon as possible. We must lightly cut and put more branches for a long time, and only remove pests and branches, and weak and dry branches. As long as the spacing between branches is reasonable, it is generally not cut off.
3.6 adult tree cut: Through winter shearing, the resulting parent branch will be updated and the resulting part will be prevented from shifting outwards; the mother tree bearing the next year will be selected, the branch will be left reasonably, the number of buds per branch will be controlled, and the number of buds will be weakened to reach the renewal and rejuvenation. Improve the photosynthetic efficiency; maintain a robust tree vigor, no phenomenon of large and small annual results, and extend the purpose of the results of years.
The first step is to cut off the thin tip of the tip.
In the second step, cut off the dead branches, the branches and branches of the pests, the weak and weak branches that are not fully developed, the parallel lower branches, overlapping branches, and cross branches.
The third step is to update and retract the old result mother branch and the result part outside the branch. For the branches that have been aged for 2 to 3 years and the branches that have moved out of the results, the branches must be updated in time to avoid affecting fruit yield and quality. Each year, the entire tree will be updated with 50% of the results and all will be updated within two years.
In the fourth step, priority is given to the development of robust growth branches and fruiting branches as the resulting mother shoots, followed by the selection of the branches of the growth mediocrity (ie self-sealing branches, strong but not prosperous, full and full of buds, which is the result of good results in the next year. branch). Selected branches are trimmed to full shoots depending on the growth conditions.
The pruning should be based on species, age, and type of branches; after the pruning, the effective number of buds on the mother tree remains approximately 30 to 35 per square meter.
4. The bundled branches and twigs were immediately carried out after the winter cut and ended before the Spring Festival. The purpose of tying the branches is to make full use of the sun, the second is to windbreaks and mechanical damage, and the third is to prevent winding. The method is to uniformly align the trunk, main vine, side vines, and the resulting mother twigs in a fixed position using the “8” shape on the wire drawing according to the shaping standards. Open the shelf.

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