Food to help quit

Food to help quit

The smoking cessation process is like a circular road. The person is more like a toroidal coil, and the end point is to quit the smoking addiction. Every time a quitter takes a lap, they are closer to the center of the circle and eventually reach the center of the circle. Of course, not all quitters can reach the center of the circle. Each circle is divided into 4 phases, namely: Deny - Conflict - Action - Change. The following foods make it easier to quit smoking.

Carrot: Reduce the incidence of cancer (anti-cancer products, anti-cancer information) symptoms.

荸荠: There is heat and detoxification, antibacterial (antibacterial products) anti-inflammatory effect.

Cabbage: It has the functions of Qingfei Liyan, detoxification and detoxification.

Milk: can protect the trachea and reduce some of the factors of gastrointestinal damage.

枇杷: It has a protective effect against respiratory mucosal damage caused by regular smoking.

Almonds: The incidence of lung cancer in smokers is greatly reduced.

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