Trout breeding techniques

(a) Feeding artificial seedlings

The optimum salinity for rearing artificial seedlings is 32‰-35‰, the temperature is 19~24°C, the dissolved oxygen is not less than 0.0005%, and the stocking density is 50-250 tails/liter, and the slightly larger breeding water.......

Three measures to promote uniform tomato coloring

Right now, many of the first fruits of Qiuqiu tomatoes are about to enter the coloring period. How to take effective measures to help the tomato fruit color evenly become the most concern for vegetable farmers. In this issue, we will focus on the details. The reporter will give you a detailed .......

Winter vegetable change note?

In the winter, when vegetables are changed, time is rushed, and vegetable farmers often pay insufficient attention to some matters, resulting in poor growth of vegetables after planting. So, what problems should be paid attention to when changing vegetables in winter? The author believes that .......