The benefits of Rose Dew

The benefits of Rose Dew Multi-Gold Baby Pure Rose Pure Water is an aqueous solution distilled from rose flowers. It is rich in rose essential oils and various water-soluble active ingredients such as proteins, tannins, and cyclic peptides in a variety of roses. Rose w.......

How do South American white prawn breed freshwater bream?

I. Pond conditions Shrimp ponds should have sufficient water sources, good water quality, no pollution, quality of water quality in accordance with the provisions of GB11607; the bottom of the pool is flat, there is less silt, and drainage is convenient; the area is 3-10 acres, and the opt.......

Drowning to feed pigs a new way out

The new way of feeding pigs by drowning water With the ever-increasing improvement of people's lives, the catering industry is also booming, making the hotel's drowning more and more. The drowning water of the hotel is not only low in cost but also rich in nutr.......

Postpartum Care of Kiwifruit Fruit Trees

Xixia County of Henan Province is located at the western edge of the Nanyang Basin in the southwest of Henan. The county has a total area of ​​5.18 million mu with a forest coverage rate of 76.8%. The light is abundant, the rainfall is abundant, and the four seasons are distinct........

Problems to be Noted in High-density Farmed Tilapia

The high-temperature season from June to September each year is a period of vigorous growth of tilapia. In the case of high-density farming, how to make good use of this period of high temperature to promote tilapia to market specifications as soon as possible, the author believes that the fol.......

Small coffee cultivation techniques

Control methods: 1 strengthen management, reasonable pruning, appropriate shade. 2 Manually kill adult worms and larvae, and promptly remove the damaged branches and burn them.

2. Coffee Leopard wood moth. Widely distributed, it is one of the common coffee pests that can harm a var.......

Broccoli lateral branch cultivation management

Lateral branches of broccoli are commonly known as small flowers and small claws (homophones), that is, small flower bulbs with re-growth of lateral branches after main flower bulbs are harvested. This kind of side-branch flower bulb, if properly managed in the field, can still obtain high.......

Feeding management technology for meat goslings

1. Preparation of the brooding room (1) Cleaning and disinfection: The brooding room is cleaned and sterilized with 0.5% Tetris Spray. This work is completed 3 to 4 days before the seedlings.
(2) Put the cleaned and disinfected kettles and drums on each of 20 to 25 goslings per square met.......

Tea tree annual development cycle

The process of tea germination

The tea matures around mid-October and can be sown after harvesting. It takes about 4 to 9 months to start germinating in the spring of the following year. After the tea is sown in storage springs, it can germinate in the soil after more than 1 month........