Bailing Mushroom Production Tips

Bailing mushroom, also known as Bai Ling Pleurotus ostreatus, has a bright white fruit body, thick meat, delicate meat, crisp and delicious, with high nutritional value, medicinal value and economic value. It is a relatively rapid development in northern China in recen.......

Goldfish Algae Fertilizer Exploration

In recent years, seaweed fertilizer has rapidly entered the fertilizer market and seized a place due to its high efficiency, environmental protection, and wide application range. What kind of fertilizer is it? How to apply this fertilizer? Taking the representative .......

Jinbao Straw Feed Starter

Jinbao straw fermentation broth is a high-nutrition feed that is produced through the combined use of physical, biochemical, and microbial processes to convert straw. 1 The crude fiber in the straw, the plant protein in the essential protein is converted into animal pr.......

"Five Elements" of Fertilizing Vegetables

According to experts, farm households need to grasp the following five technical links when fertilizing shed vegetables.

First, farmyard fertilizers must be matured. Without being cooked, farmyard manure contains pathogens and eggs that are easily transmitted to vegetables. In addi.......

"Five Elements" of Fertilizing Vegetables

According to experts, farm households need to grasp the following five technical links when fertilizing shed vegetables.

First, farmyard fertilizers must be matured. Without being cooked, farmyard manure contains pathogens and eggs that are easily transmitted to vegetables. In addi.......

A good way to warm up the greenhouse

In the winter of rumbling, farmers in the greenhouses in the north of our country have once again been worried about the problem of greenhouse warming. Warming the greenhouse insulation has always been a key problem for growers. To solve this problem, agricultural e.......

Analysis and Control of Various Diseases of Pepper

At present, the temperature is gradually reduced, with occasional foggy weather, resulting in frequent occurrence of sharp pepper disease in greenhouses. Recently, vegetable growers often report problems encountered in planting hot peppers. The problems that have occurred in hot peppers for so.......

Winter management of foliage plants

The foliage plants are prolific in the tropical and subtropical regions. In order to allow them to spend the cold winter in the north and maintain a certain foliage effect, attention must be paid to the following issues.

First, place. After the foliage plants enter the room, they s.......

Agricultural machinery maintenance emergency tips

Cracks in metal tubing or trachoma can be broken at the break, find a suitable diameter, a certain degree of tightness of the plastic tube (preferably new) sleeve up, both ends with a thin wire can be tight; can also be temporarily coated with soap or Attach tape to the leak.

The r.......

Seaweed Bio-fertilizer Improves Soil Structure

The long-term abuse of chemical fertilizers leads to soil compaction, barrenness and even pollution, resulting in a decline in crop protection and loss of water and fertilizer. Only 30-40% of the fertilizer applied to the soil is absorbed by the crop, which means that .......

Grapes result in female winter cutting techniques

The winter pruning time of grapes is generally appropriate from early November to mid February of the following year, that is, 3-4 weeks after the fall of leaves, and 3-4 weeks before the occurrence of injury in spring. Pruning prematurely will affect the backflow of nutrients, and too lat.......

How to manage watermelon seedlings

The seedlings of watermelon are spread to the stage of drawing, and are affected by factors such as low temperature, rain, and other adverse climate or pests and diseases. The phenomena of watermelon leaves, new vines and no smoking are called phenomenon of frozen s.......