The efficacy and role of sputum

The efficacy and role of sputum

The medlar is the mature fruit of the plant of the family Anthony or Ningxia. Serve the scorpion to be eye-catching, moisturizing, black-haired, and beautiful. In the book "The Theory of Pharmacology", I have praised that the scorpion can "replenish the advantages of deficiency, easy color, white, eyesight, soothe the nerves", meaning that 枸杞 can replenish the essence of liver and kidney, so that the face of the faceless is changed For the rosy color, make the white hair black, let the eyes bright and god, but also set the mind and peace of mind. Chinese medicine practitioners have long said that they are "healthy and healthy", and they think that they can "harden their bones, be light and not old, and endure cold and heat". Therefore, it is often used as a nourishing and anti-aging medicine. The scent of the scent is sweet, and Chinese medicine believes that it can nourish the liver and kidney, improve the eyesight and nourish blood, and enhance people's immunity. For modern people, the practical effect of 枸杞zui is to resist fatigue and lower blood pressure. In addition, it can protect the liver, lower blood sugar, soften blood vessels, lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and has certain curative effect on fatty liver and diabetic patients. According to clinical medical verification, sputum can also treat chronic renal failure. I often eat 枸杞 can be beauty, which many people do not know. This is because cockroaches can increase the skin's ability to absorb oxygen and, in addition, whiten.

【Efficacy】Ziyang Runfei, anti-tumor, liver protection, cure deficiency and tranquility, eyesight and hurricane, longevity, anti-fatigue

The effect of powdered powder (attached):

1. Collection of traditional Chinese medicine treasures and health-promoting foods: Loquat fruit is rich in gluten proteoglycan, natural vitamin C, carotene, betaine, ascorbic acid, niacin, linoleic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. Ingredients, it has the functions of nourishing the kidney and moistening the lungs, resisting the tumor, protecting the liver, treating the deficiency of the nerves, improving the eyesight and prolonging the life, and is a plant-based tonic and a nutritious food.

2. Guardian of the immune system: It has been proved by animal experiments that one of the active ingredients rich in the rind skin, lycium barbarum polysaccharide (LBP), has a significant enhancement effect on bone marrow hematopoietic function and various cellular immune indexes, which can significantly increase antibody formation. The number of cells increases the effect of the antibody.

3. Cancer nemesis: The experimental study found that the trace element contained in the bracts, é”—, has a significant inhibitory effect on cancer cells, which can completely rupture cancer cells, and the inhibition rate is 100%.

4. Youthful companion: A large number of experiments have proved that sputum polysaccharide (LBP) can significantly increase the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the blood, liver and muscle tissues of the body, which is beneficial to the removal of reactive oxygen species, delaying aging and anti-fatigue. .

Suitable for people with powder:

1. Back pain, dry eyes, limb weakness, hair loss, white hair, frequent urination

2, osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction, irregular menstruation, loose teeth and easy to fall kidney patients

3. Patients with diabetes, hyperlipidemia, chronic hepatitis, eye diseases, etc.

4. Work pressure, lack of sleep, especially suitable for teachers, white-collar workers, *, drivers, etc.

The role of sputum: Experts have confirmed that there are three major pharmacological effects. Chinese scientists have proved through a large number of clinical experiments that traditional Chinese herbal medicines have three pharmacological effects of promoting and regulating immune function, liver protection and anti-aging. This was learned by the reporter at the International Symposium on Chinese Medicine and Chinese Medicine held here. Experts have found through clinical observation that more than 80% of the elderly who take four capsules of sputum polysaccharide capsules and take two months of treatment have a significant decrease in cholesterol and triglycerides. After medication, they are prone to fatigue, loss of appetite and vision. Symptoms and other symptoms are significantly improved. Old people who take long-term use, their hair no longer falls off, and their face changes from sputum to ruddy.

The crude fat content of hazelnut kernel is 13.75%, and the crude protein is 22.42%. Crude scorpion oil contains 77.28% linoleic acid, 0.24mg/kg β-carotene, vitamin E 211.00mg/kg, selenium 0.06mg/kg, SOD 92 NU/ml.

[Health Tips]

Tea practice

1. Materials: 5-10 grams of lotus root starch, 3-4 capsules of red dates.

2. Practice: Put the medlar and red dates directly into the glass, take them with boiling water, or take them with water and boil them.

[Dietary diet] Long-term consumption of sputum or drinking scented tea, there will be no side effects. However, because of the effect of warming the body, the people who suffer from high blood pressure and temperament are too irritated, or the old people who eat a lot of meat on weekdays, which cause redness, are not to be eaten. On the contrary, if it is a weak constitution, a cold, and a poor resistance, it is good to eat every day. If the mouth is dry and dry after staying up late, or if the fire is very strong, you can add 1-2 white chrysanthemums together. Due to the hot summer weather, the method of taking the scorpion is different from the winter season. Generally, it should not be used in combination with the medicinal warming supplements, such as longan, red ginseng, jujube, etc., and it is not suitable to use medicinal liquor (such as 杞 round wine). Form, because no matter whether it is yellow wine or white wine, its sex is warm. For the average patient, it is advisable to take scorpion tea and scorpion porridge. When making hazelnut tea, you can use the hazelnut tea alone, or you can mix it with green tea, flower tea, dried chrysanthemum, American ginseng, Miren, Cassia, and Maple (Shijie) according to the specific situation. It has the unique effect of replenishing refreshment and preventing summer heat.


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