Recent rains have increased the risk of snails in many vegetable fields

Recent rains have increased the risk of snails in many vegetable fields

Snails are one of the common terrestrial mollusks in the farmland. In recent years, they have occurred in some vegetable fields. This year, the rainfall is heavy and the damage is even more severe. The leaves and stems of the host are scratched by teeth tongues to form holes or nicks, and even bite off the seedlings. Lack of seedlings.

Snails occur one generation a year, and they use winter scallops and young larvae for winter in wet and dark places such as vegetable fields, green manure fields, bushes, and crop roots, haystacks, and rock masses. Generally, they are abundant from April to May and from September to October. Activities are harmful, and autumn is more important than spring. The snails are hermaphrodites and allogeneic mating animals. The mating time is usually dusk and night or rainy days. Spawning takes place about 15 days after mating. Eggs can be laid 4 to 6 times a year, and 150 to 200 eggs are laid each time. 10 to 18 days to hatch. The newly hatched juveniles only take the leaves of the crop and leave the epidermis. When they grow up, they often eat food holes or nicks. Its miscellaneous food can harm cruciferous, leguminous, Solanaceae and other vegetables and weeds. The snails are nocturnal. They start their activities and eat after 18 o'clock. They reach their peaks between 20 and 23 o'clock. After midnight, the food intake gradually decreases. They stop feeding in the morning and dive into the earth or shelter. Snails are dark and damp. The environment, rainy days or watering can stay up all night activities and feeding. Its comprehensive prevention measures are:

1. Agricultural control. The use of plastic film covering cultivation will help to reduce the damage of snails. It is suitable for dense planting, timely pruning and vines, removal of old leaves, eradication of weeds, timely cultivating after rain or watering, destruction of snails' habitats and spawning sites, deep plowing in autumn, Exposing some of the winter snails to the ground to be frozen or being eaten by natural enemies.

2. Artificial trapping. Before the sunset, leave the leaves, weeds, and leaves in the field every 3 to 5 meters.
Heap, open the haystack and capture it before dawn.

3. Lime isolation. A lime belt with a width of about 10 cm is sprinkled between the sides of the ditch, the land or vegetables, and 5 to 7.5 kilograms of lime are used per acre to kill the snails that cross the "lime belt."

4. Chemical control. (1) Use 6% Mita (Tetraacetaldehyde) Spirulina granules per acre 0.5-0.6 kg, 8% chlorhexidine granules or 10% polyacetaldehyde (snail enemy) granules 2 kg, mix well Fine soil or fine sand, evenly spread in the field in the evening. (2) When the snails do not infiltrate into the soil in the early morning, spray with copper sulfate 800 to 1000 times or 1% saline solution, the control effect can reach more than 80%. (3) The snail was found to be infested and timely sprayed with 90% crystal trichlorfon 1500 times.

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