Chemical weeding in cotton field attention to these issues

Chemical weeding in cotton fields is often caused by improper use of herbicides, which leads to a reduction in weed control and even to cotton injury. Chemical weeding in cotton fields should pay attention to the following issues:
1, pay attention to choose the herbicide on the road. Trif.......

How to Prevent Reeds in Fish Ponds

Q: The netizen zhongzheng sent an e-mail: Will the reeds in the fish pond use what kind of phytotoxic herbicides to control and prevent damage to the fish?

Answer: fluazifen (fine stable kill), high-efficiency flupiramide (high-efficiency herb), glyphosate and other drugs are suita.......

Rosa fertilization management

Depending on the season, it is 25% in summer and 12.5% ​​in winter. A variety of nitrate- and nitrogen-based fertilizers can be used, but urea should not be used, especially on clay ground, because urea can increase soil pH.

Rosa fertilizes both root fertilization and.......

Chicken ring fermentation bed fermentation aid

Chicken ring fermentation bed fermentation aid

Jin a baby fermentation bed fermentation agent use matters needing attention

1Start at a temperature of 15-20°C faster. 2 Dosage: 20 square meters of chicken ring (about 300 pieces), about 2 kg .......

The second generation of cotton bollworm trend forecast

According to the monitoring stations of the cotton bollworm region, the total amount of first-generation H. armigera larvae in most of the country's cotton regions this year was significantly lower than usual, and the overall cotton growth is currently poor. Combined with the comprehen.......

Egg-laying chicken wings increase egg production

The “cut wings” method is used by hens to increase egg production by 8% to 20% and reduce feed consumption by 4%.

The specific method is to heat and heat the electric iron, put the newly hatched chicks on the operating table, and use a hot electric iron to cut the joint.......

Chinese kiwifruit rooting seedling raising technology

Chinese kiwifruit is propagated using the root cutting method, simple, rapid breeding, and high survival rate. The following is a brief description of its technical points:

1. Site preparation: Choose sandy loam soil, apply 2,500 kg of compost per acre, deep-dump 40 cm, make a thor.......

Crown culture techniques of aging tea trees

Tea tree canopy culture is an extremely important technical measure in tea planting. It is through pruning to inhibit the tea tree apical dominance, promote axillary bud germination and lateral branch growth, enhance tree vigor, and cultivate high-yielding and high-quality canopy. The canopy c.......

High-yield dairy cow mother selection technical points

There are large differences in the offspring of dairy cows in Fengyi Town, and the poor uniformity of the population affects the average milk production level of the group. Therefore, it is also necessary to strengthen the selection of cows while strengthening bull selection; the production of.......