How to plant good summer vegetables

How to plant good summer vegetables

(I) Overcoming barriers, high yield of Artemisia selengensis

One should pay attention to high temperature. Chrysanthemum is a cool and humid climate, and it is a semi-cold-resistant vegetable that is not heat-resistant. The optimum temperature for growth is 17-20°C, and over 29°C does not grow well. The number of leaves is small and small. Therefore, the summer high temperature is often an important reason for the failure of the planting of Artemisia selengensis. Therefore, if the wormwood grows well and the yield is high, it is necessary to reduce the temperature inside the shed to its proper temperature range. The cooling measures that can be taken include covering the shading net and spraying muddy points onto the shed. Some vegetable farmers often water in the high temperature at noon to cool down, a large number of tests prove that this method is not appropriate, because in the ground temperature is too high, blindly watering and cooling will often lead to Artemisia halodendron root injury, prone to dead seedlings.

Second, it is necessary to pay attention to preventing lodging. Artemisia selengensis tends to grow in length in the case of dense planting, too small temperature difference, and excessive fertility. The stalks are weak and often cause lodging in the high humidity environment. Artemisia sphaerocephala lodging will not only affect the yield, but also make the lower part of the plant impermeable to air, resulting in rotten leaves, resulting in reduced commercial quality of Artemisia halodendron. Therefore, we must take early measures to prevent the glutinous glutinous shooters from lodging. The seedlings can be placed in the second water time seedlings, so that the spacing between the plants is maintained at 2-3 cm or so, can also be used to love more than 3000 times the liquid or 1500 times the liquid to help the prime spray, to promote the thick stalks to prevent lodging.

Third, we must pay attention to preventing rainwater from entering the shed. Summer rain is more, the rain water often causes the cedarwood to rot, which seriously affects the yield of Artemisia halodendron. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent rainwater from entering the shed when it rains. Once rainwater is poured into the shed, it must be poured in well water to prevent the phenomenon of dead trees.

Fourth, we must pay attention to disease prevention and protection of the leaves. The leaf is an important index to determine the commercial level of the wormwood. To protect the leaf, we must first do a good job in disease prevention. Epidemic diseases and downy mildew disease are the major diseases that cause decayed leaves and yellow leaves of Artemisia selengensis. The management should focus on prevention and control. After the emergence of seedlings, they should be prevented. Spraying agents such as Plexig and Leidomier can be used for prevention and control. At the same time, attention should be paid to the control of Plutella xylostella, Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera litura, etc., and it can be sprayed with methotrexate for prevention and treatment.

(B) It is difficult to grow spinach in summer and summer.

One is watering and not being diligent. Usually, after pouring, sow a small amount of water and pour a piece of water before harvesting. If there is excessive drought, add one more piece of water in the middle. However, when watering, it is necessary to pour small water. Do not flood the area with water. If the spinach is particularly arid during the period, it is best not to water, and the leaves can be sprayed with water to supplement the water needed for spinach. In addition, after watering, it is necessary to carry out plucking. This will not only moisturize but also prevent the growth of moss. If the ground is full of moss, it is necessary to remove the shade net in time, otherwise spinach will appear dead and rotten.

The second is to prevent rain from entering the shed. Before raining, we must first check the old shed film and find that there are holes to be repaired in time to prevent rain from entering the shed and causing spinach to die. Second, put the film on both sides of the shed before raining to prevent rainwater from entering the shed. If there is heavy rain, for insurance purposes, a layer of soil can be applied to both sides of the arch, and the film on both sides can be pressed out of the soil. This will ensure that rain does not enter the shed.

The third is to prevent disease. Summer spinach is prone to diseases such as damping-off, downy mildew, stalk rot, and bacterial rot. Usually on the fifth day after sowing (just out of the whole seedlings), 600 times with big students + 600 times liquid spray permop, once every 1 week, then spray again. One week after the last spraying, the third application of Kelu 600 times + avermectin + agricultural streptomycin, spraying the same agent at intervals of 1 week, this can effectively control the occurrence of the disease. In order to prevent the occurrence of pests, in addition to setting up pest control nets, yellow planks can also be used to trap and kill pests.

Again is easy to twitch. Summer spinach is also prone to convulsions before harvest, and convulsions of spinach are difficult to sell. In order to avoid spinach convulsions, we recommend that growers: should be harvested as early as possible, generally the spinach grows to 20-25 cm, and can be harvested. Can reduce the occurrence of convulsions.

(3) How to avoid convulsions in summer vegetables

Lettuce is a semi-cold-tolerant vegetable. It prefers a cool, humid climate. High temperatures, high humidity, and strong light adversely affect the growth of lettuce. At present, vegetable growers grow more lettuce lettuce, which is more heat-tolerant, but it is easy to grow convulsions during planting in summer. The vegetable growers can plant heat-resistant varieties such as Italian-resistant sorghum lettuce. The following points should be noted when planting.

First prevent high temperature and strong light. In addition to the use of shade nets or shading of the shading film to the mud, it is also necessary to spray water at lower noon temperatures to lower the temperature.

Second, shorten the growing period of lettuce, early harvest and marketing, reduce the chance of lettuce produce seizures, avoid lettuce convulsions, affect quality.

Again, attention should be paid to the fact that the density of lettuce colonization should not be too great, because the dense colonization will also promote the convulsions of lettuce to a certain extent. Generally, it is appropriate to control 5000-5500 trees per acre.

At the same time, it can also be interplanted with solanaceous vegetables and melons, fully and rationally utilize the space, and utilize the higher characteristics of these vegetable plants to provide shade and cool down the lettuce, which is conducive to the growth of lettuce.

(D) Planting summer leaves to protect leaves

One is watering to work. The water itself needs more water. As the outside temperature rises, the water evaporates faster, and the water needs more. Like the high temperature of around 35°C, every two days it has to be poured with water. Generally, after pulling out a planthopper, If the soil is not sticky, it means that you have to water it. Do not wait until the ground is dry and watering. Otherwise, you may easily experience the phenomenon of "leaf-leaf."

The second is spraying foliar fertilizer leaves. Generally every five days or so, the whole nutrient high-potassium foliar fertilizer is sprayed again, which not only supplements the nutrient required by the plant, but also improves the stress resistance of the leaf, and alleviates the phenomenon of “folia leaf”.

Third, the thinning should not be too thin. In general, spacing between 3 and 4 cm is preferred for thinning. Some vegetable farmers in order to make the cockroach grow thicker, the greater the distance, in fact, this is not conducive to protect the leaves. Because of the large spacing, each plant receives more sunlight, and it is easier to plant leaves than 3-4 cm.

Fourth, timely watering after heavy rains. When it rains, it will surely splash some mud on the leaves of the alfalfa, which is not conducive to the growth of the leaves. Therefore, after each heavy rain, spray small water and wash the mud on the blades.

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