What are the benefits of walnut tree roots?

What are the benefits of walnut tree roots?

Walnuts and almonds, cashews, and hazelnuts are also known as the world's "four major nuts." You can eat raw food, stir fry, squeeze oil, and prepare pastries and candies, which are not only delicious, but als.......

Management Measures of Strawberry Flour Seedling Field

1. Strengthen fertilizer and water management After planting, it is necessary to irrigate the rooting water, and continuously water 2-3 times to keep it moist, which will help to survive, enter the rainy season, and pay attention to drainage. After planting and survival, 5 kg of urea per acre .......

Summer corn field herbicide

First, after harvesting wheat, if there is a large amount of weeds in the ground, we must use the herbicide. Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide that does not show any effect in the early stage after spraying, but about two weeks later, weeds will die from the roots.
Second, the herbicides.......

How to prevent jujube disease

On June 8, Liu Jiansheng, Yangjiabangtai Town, Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province called the newspaper to consult. His jujube tree has recently grown a lot of yellow and broken leaves. At first, it was just a tip. Now the whole plant has such symptoms, and there is also a trend toward a tree. D.......

Key Points of Lily Planting in Northern Sunlight Greenhouse

Facilities Conditions Irrigation System The irrigation systems used in the north include drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and self-made sprinkler irrigation, of which flood irrigation and homemade sprinkler irrigation are common. The advantages of flood irrigation and homemade sprinkler i.......

How to prevent soybean gray spot disease?

According to the characteristics of soybean grey spot, prevention and control of soybean gray spot disease can be considered from the following aspects:
(1) Selection of disease-resistant varieties.
(2) Reasonable rotation for agricultural control Avoid heavy cropping, remove field s.......

Check the sow's coup

Pregnancy during sow mating has been a headache for most farmers. After years of practice with farmers, it has been found that using sow urine to verify pregnancy is a simple and reliable method for farmers. Fifteen milliliters of fresh urine from the sow morning 8-10 hours were taken and plac.......

Tea Garden Drought Management

Into the tea plantation combined with drought-resistant all cover grass, can play a role in protecting the temperature and reducing weeds and fertility, and the key to the young tea garden is to keep it alive. Some comments were made on the field management of young tea gardens. 1. Tea Garden .......