The new technology of planting Agaricus bisporus with corn stove

The new technology of planting Agaricus bisporus with corn stove

1. Cultivation season. The mushroom is a medium-temperature edible mushroom. The mushrooming temperature ranges from 10°C to -28°C. It can be cultivated in spring and autumn, but it is better to fall. It is best to plant in the Central Plains from the end of August to the beginning of October. 2. Material preparation. The corn stalks (including newly harvested corn stalks or corn stalks without mildew in the previous year) were chopped into small pieces about 30 cm long and the stocks were fermented. The formula is: 500 kg of corn stalk, 100 kg of dried chicken manure, 25 kg of cotton seed cake, 2.5 kg of urea, 15 kg of phosphate fertilizer, and 12.5 kg of lime. 3. Build a heap fermentation. The corn stalks were soaked in 2% lime water, mixed and fermented for 2 days, and the heap temperature reached 60°C to soften the corn stalks. Then, the water-soaked material was built at a width of 2 meters, a height of 1.8 meters, and an unlimited length. Shop 20 centimeters thick corn stalks first, then spread 3 cm to 5 cm thick chicken manure, pour the water once, then spread one layer of material, sprinkle one dung once, pour one time of water, pay attention to the dung to scatter, and the water must be poured. After the pile is built, cover the plastic film to keep it moist and moist. Be careful not to cover the plastic film tightly so as to avoid anaerobic fermentation. It can be fermented for about 25 days according to the conventional method. At this time, the corn stalk is changed from white or light yellow to brown, and the raw material is loose and soft, accompanied by aroma, and can be inoculated. 4. Inoculation. Spread the well-fermented material evenly on a pre-prepared 80 cm wide, unlimited-length urn or bed, with a thickness of 20 cm to 25 cm, flattened, and inoculated with a 5 cm square using a bamboo insert. 1 bottle/sq.m.--1.5 bottle/sq.m., inoculated with plastic film after inoculation, moisturizing and moisturizing to promote hyphae germination. After the mycelium germinates, lift the membrane oxygenation to promote mycelium growth every day. After about 7 days, the plastic film can be supported. The plastic film can also be removed and replaced with a woven bag to cover the material surface. It is both moisturizing and ventilating to create suitable conditions. The rapid growth conditions of mycelium. 5. Covered with mushrooms. According to the conventional method, the soil is covered, the fine soil to be used for covering the soil is disinfected in advance, and the disinfected soil is adjusted to have a good humidity (by hand, forming a mass and loosening the hand to disperse it), when the mycelium grows to a thick material thickness When 1/4 is covered, the soil thickness of the first layer is about 2 cm. When the mycelium grows to 2/3 of the material thickness, the thickness of the second layer is about 1.5 cm. After the soil is covered, soil moisture should be maintained. 6. management. The management of autumn oyster mushrooms focuses on the cooling and moisturizing in the early stage and the heat preservation and moisturizing in the later stage. After the mycelium is full, it is necessary to increase the temperature difference between day and night, but we must also pay attention to maintaining the surface humidity, promote hyphae kinks, through 10 days - 15 days management can begin to tide mushroom. After the second tidal mushroom, the combination of water spray “Mushroom Spirit” can increase the yield of fresh mushrooms. The focus of spring mushroom management is to ensure moisture, resist high temperatures, and prevent pests and diseases. After winter, the culture materials and the cover soil are all short of water, and 0.5% lime water shall be sprayed by using the method of light spraying and spraying, so that the mycelium will resume growth and promote rapid mushrooming. China Agricultural Network Editor