The benefits of grafting vegetables

The benefits of grafting vegetables

First, increase land use efficiency As a result of continuous planting, especially greenhouse vegetables and even vegetables planted with the same kind of vegetables, the disease gradually accumulates, insect pests increase year by year, so that the yield and quality of vegetables decline. After the introduction and application of the grafting technology, due to the strong wildness of the rootstock and the strong resistance to stress, the grafted vegetables can enhance the stress resistance, and the year of planting the same land is relatively longer, which improves the utilization rate of the land. Second, prevent the occurrence of disease cucumber, watermelon wilt disease, eggplant verticillium wilt disease, tomato root rot, bacterial wilt, wilt disease, is the fatal disease of these four vegetables. Once onset, it is faced with absolute production and exchange. Grafting can well prevent the occurrence of diseases, which is conducive to planting with the same land. According to experiments, the incidence of grafted watermelon, cucumber, tomato, eggplant disease is zero, while the incidence of non-grafted watermelon planted three years is 90%, and the incidence of cucumber planting 3 to 5 years is 30% to 50%. Third, increase production According to the test, grafted watermelon than self-rooted watermelon production more than doubled, grafted cucumber production increase of 30% -50%, grafted tomatoes increase production by more than 50%, the above increase in production are not calculated with self-rooted seedlings after 3 years of production or harvest digital. Fourth, to improve the quality of grafted rootstocks are gourd, melon, pumpkin, wild eggplant, solanum nigrum and wild tomatoes. The rootstock grows rapidly and the rate of grafted seedlings after grafting is high, which has a certain role in promoting the quality of the fruit. Watermelon does not produce sour taste, does not fall down, cucumber does not have a bitter taste, tomatoes do not increase acidity, but the resistance will increase. Fifth, to improve cold resistance Watermelon temperature is lower than 15 °C, cucumber is lower than 10 °C -12 °C, tomato is lower than 11 °C, eggplant is lower than 17 °C, its physiological activity is imbalanced, growth is slow, fertility stopped. The application of grafting technology, due to the strong ability of rootstocks to resist cold temperatures, improves the cold resistance after grafting. The cold resistance of rootstocks is reduced by wild tomatoes, pumpkins, melon melons, wax gourds, and wild tomatoes, and care should be taken when selecting stocks. Six, to promote seedlings robust growth test, the pumpkin leaf area of ​​45.4 square centimeters, different quality gourd 28.41-41.33 square centimeters, while the watermelon is only 7.98 square centimeters, the rootstock's own nutritional area is five or six times the cultivated seedlings. Therefore, the grafted seedlings grew more vigorously than their own seedlings, and the rootstock had a larger root system, while the rooted ones were seedlings that vigorously promoted the growth of the grafted seedlings. VII. Improving Drought Tolerance and Disease Resistance The rootstock selected for grafting has a larger root system, a wide distribution of roots, strong water absorption capacity, and strong resistance to pests and diseases. For example, if a watermelon breaks down, the root system will suffocate and die, and the grafted seedlings are basically harmless. VIII. The amount of fertilizers to be used for fertilizer application Because rootstocks of rootstocks are widely distributed and have strong absorptive capacity, they can absorb nutrients in a wide range of soils, have strong ability to supply above ground, and have sufficient fertility, so it is more economical to use fertilizers from the seedling stage and the middle and later stages. . According to relevant information, the use of gourd anvil less 25%, pumpkin anvil less 30% -40%, fertilization save. China Agricultural Network Editor