Eggplant points seedling matters needing attention

Eggplant points seedling matters needing attention

The eggplant seedlings are usually divided into 2-3 true leaves at 3-5 days before seedlings. In order to adapt to the lower temperature of the seedbed, the survival rate after transplantation is increased, and the temperature is reduced by 3-5°C. Low temperature hardening seedlings. Cold bed nursery, especially seedbeds and greenhouse nursery, should gradually increase ventilation during the day to extend ventilation and lighting time.

The seedlings were watered in the seedlings the afternoon before the seedlings, so that the soil moisture was suitable for digging seedlings. When digging seedlings, the roots should be as little as possible, and more soil should be taken. After the seedlings are dug up, they are sorted by size and transplanted separately. When taking seedlings, be careful not to damage stems and leaves. Roots should be stretched in the soil. Do not allow the roots to squash or curl. In order to prevent the wilting of seedlings caused by the sun, it is possible to cover the plastic film and the covering covering the sunlight. In order to increase the soil and air humidity in the seedbed to facilitate seedling growth, the seedlings should be sprayed immediately after transplanting, and the water can be poured once again the next day.

Common methods for seedling separation include: nutrient splitting seedlings, having a good mulch protection, the survival rate after planting is almost 100%, basically no seedling-reducing period; seedlings are divided into seedlings, planted by hole or ditch, and ditch is planted dark. Water seedling method is to open a small ditch with a row spacing of 10-15 cm in the seedbed, with a ditch depth of 3-4 cm, and pour small water into the ditch. When the water seeps or leaves a little water, press the seedling by 10 cm. The plant spacing is discharged in the ditch, sticks to the ditch wall, stabilizes the seedlings by water, and finally covers the soil and seals the ditch; the nutrient soil blocks are divided into seedlings, and the water is poured on the seed bed, and then the road is divided according to the prescribed spacing. Make a nutrition soil block, insert a small hole in the center of each block, transplant the seedlings into the hole and cover the soil.

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