Eggplant planted for many years

Eggplant planted for many years

Continuing cultivation of eggplant is the use of old strains of eggplant, cutting off the aerial parts of the eggplant, promoting the development of lateral buds and growing new plants. Planting for one year can make it grow for many years and harvest it continuously for many years. The cultivation techniques are as follows. 1, soil preparation fertilization. Every 667 square meters of soil compost fertilizer 7000 kilograms, phosphate fertilizer and ternary compound fertilizer each more than 50 kilograms, deep into the soil. 2. Transplant in time. In late September, all the old branches of eggplant in Daejeon will be cut off, leaving only 10-15 cm of sorghum, and then transplanted into winter greenhouses or in single-slope greenhouses (if they grow in winter greenhouses, they do not need to be moved). Direct pruning can be used, generally covered with plastic mulch insulation and moisturizing, the use of large and small rows of cultivation method, a large row spacing 80 cm, a small row spacing 40 cm, spacing 50 cm, 2500 per 667 square meters planted. Quickly pour 1 small water after transplanting, and plough loose soil in time. The film is covered in mid-October and will be available in mid-November. 3. Seedling management. After the lateral shoots have germinated and gradually grow into small plantlets, the temperature in the shed is appropriately reduced, ventilation is started at 25°C during the day, and can be reduced to 15°C at night, so that the time for hardening the seedlings is maintained for 7-10 days. Eggplant seedlings have high requirements for nitrogen fertilizer, and they can apply 20 kg-30 kg nitrogen fertilizer per 667 m2 of watering, and cultivating loose soil in time after pouring. Seedling period can be sprayed 2% of the superphosphate solution 1-2 times, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with appropriate, adequate supply. 4. The result is earlier. The management of watering is mainly controlled, with less irrigation and more loose soil. Especially during the flowering of the gate, the soil moisture cannot be too high. After the fruit is set on the door, the temperature of 28 to 30°C is maintained for more than 5 hours during the day. When the temperature drops below 25°C in the afternoon, the ventilation openings are closed and the temperature is controlled at 13-18°C during the night. Before and after the fruit is set on the door, two podlike branches are kept and other axillary buds on the main stalk are promptly removed. Appropriate soil, 10 cm high. In addition, the results of the previous use of 2010-6-3010-6 2.4-D stained, only pedicel or flower center, do not sprinkle liquid on the leaves. 5. The outcome of the period. 7-8 days, water 1 time, every time every 667 square meters topdressing 15 kg of urea and potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate 6 kg -7 kg, combined with water flushing, can also spray 0.5% of the urea foliage top dressing. Pruning in time to destroy the old leaves and yellow leaves of the base. Mid-term results, select sunny morning, watering alternately. Close the greenhouse after watering, use the afternoon to raise the temperature of the greenhouse, so that the night temperature in the greenhouse is not lower than 15°C, and the daytime temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at 25-30°C. When the temperature is higher than 32°C, it is timely ventilated and dehumidified, the night temperature is controlled at 15-18°C, and the temperature difference between day and night is 10°C. At the later stage, the greenhouse vents and door and window films can be rolled up. When the night temperature is not lower than 15°C, the vents are not closed, ventilation is provided day and night, and the top film of the greenhouse can be removed after July. 6. After the withdrawal. Eggplant can be continuously harvested. This stage is mainly to strengthen pest control and drainage in the rainy season. Until the end of September to cut off the upper branches, other management methods are the same as last year, so that it can be cultivated continuously for 3 to 5 years.