Eucalyptus seeds breeding method

Eucalyptus seeds breeding method

Eucalyptus is a native tree species in Chengde, Hebei Province. Fengning's white stork is well-known domestically. Eucalyptus strong resistance, especially its drought resistance, cold resistance, thin tolerance characteristics, so that it can grow in the river beach. To appropriately plant trees and afforestation, increase the diversity of tree species and meet various social needs, the seedling technology of eucalyptus seeds is now described as follows: Seed collection In order to improve seed quality, seeds should be selected from 15-30 years old and robust mother trees. When the seeds turn yellow-white, they can be harvested. Early harvest, seed pods, affect the germination rate; too late collection, the seeds are easily blown away by the wind. After the seeds are harvested, they should not be exposed to the sun, but they should be naturally dried and gently removed to avoid damage to the seeds. The choice of nurseries and site preparation should be based on sandy lands with water sources, good drainage, and thick soil layers for nurseries. Seeding methods can be used for seeding or ridge seeding. Soil preparation before sowing should be fine, Mushi organic fertilizer 4000-5000 kilograms, pouring water after pouring. Seeding nursery seedlings 3-5 kg, open shallow ditch seed into the soil, cover soil 0.5-1 cm, overburdened soil is difficult to sprout seed germination. Slight suppression should be done after sowing to facilitate the close integration and conservation of seed and soil. When the soil is dry, it is not possible to flood the surface with heavy water, and it is only possible to spray the surface to prevent the soil from being hardened or washed away. 6-10 days of budding, more than 10 days after the seedlings unearthed, young seedlings grow to 2-3 true leaves when the seedlings, seedling height 5-6 cm Dingmiao, Mu Liumiao 3-40000. When the seedlings are watered in time, the seedlings will be strengthened for cultivating and weeding. In the early July-August period, 10 kg of compound fertilizer can be traced. Once every half month, topdressing 2 times, you can also apply a new type of foliar fertilizer. After the middle of August, no further application of ammonia nitrogen fertilizer, and to control soil moisture, in order to facilitate the lignification of seedlings. Diseases and Insect Pests Control Eucalyptus seedlings are vulnerable to aphids. At the initial stage of insect pests, 3000 times imidacloprid can be sprayed to control. Insecticides can be sprayed with 1500-fold beta-cypermethrin. Seedlings are susceptible to bacterial wilt within one month of emergence. Seedlings can be sprayed with 600 times carbendazim or 100 times the same amount of Bordeaux mixture for prevention. Once every half a month, spray 3 to 4 times continuously.