Beware of pot heat stroke

Beware of pot heat stroke

In summer, the weather is hot, the air humidity is high, the climate is changeable, and pest and disease activities are frequent. In order to make the potted plants safe and over-summer, the following aspects of management should be strengthened.

Masking sunscreen: In summer, the light is strong and the heat is high. If it is not covered properly, it will easily burn the leaves and fine roots, causing the pot flowers to grow weakly and the branches and leaves to be yellow. The degree of shading varies according to the characteristics of the various flowers and trees: Hi light flowers and trees are slightly shaded, as long as it is not exposure to light; general plants should be placed in a well-ventilated, shaded degree of 50% -80% of the conditions of conservation Xiyin plants such as Wenzhu, Clivia, Chrysanthemum, Evergreen, etc., can only be kept in indoor ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight.

Cooling and cooling: Most flowering plants have a suitable temperature of 20 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius, while in most areas of China, the maximum temperature in summer exceeds 30 degrees Celsius. Failure to cool them in time will lead to short plants, reduced flowering and shorter flowering periods.

The methods of heat dissipation are as follows: 1. Ventilation and heat dissipation: Put the potted flowers on the ventilating place or next to the electric fan and rely on the flow of the wind to radiate heat. 2, bright 蔸 heat: Clivia, tulips and other drought-resistant heat-resistant bulbous flowers, in the hot surface to remove the basin soil, showing the top of the bulb to heat. 3, loose soil heat: the root system is not well-developed potted flowers such as Clivia, Begonia, etc., the loose pine surface and basin around the basin of soil, so that its ventilation and heat dissipation.

Cooling methods are: 1, spray water cooling: every day with a small watering can spray water on the potted leaves 3 times to 4 times to reduce the leaf surface temperature. 2. Humidification and cooling: Sprinkle water on the ground around the flowerpots 2 to 3 times a day to increase the surrounding air humidity and reduce the temperature. 3, shade cooling: In case of continuous or long-term high temperature weather, the trees should be moved to shelters or sun shade shelters. 4, wet pad cooling: in the flower pot under a piece of moisture absorbing water thick foam or a layer of wet sand in the basin to reduce the pot temperature and increase the local air humidity. 5, basin cooling: The basin of flowers in the basin, the depth of the basin only drown pot bottom, change cold water once a day before noon, both cooling and humidification. Where there is a pool, a piece of wooden board can be placed on the surface of the water, and potted flowers can be placed on the wooden board, which also has the effect of cooling and humidifying.

Watering amount: high temperatures in summer, rapid evaporation, most flowers grow vigorously, transpiration is strong, water demand is large, so the water supply should be sufficient. However, watering should not be excessive, so as not to cause rot. When watering, it is necessary to determine the corresponding amount of water according to the different ecological habits, plant size, growth and development stages of various flowers and trees. For the majority of flowering trees, watering should be done according to the principle of “see see wet, do not dry, and pour”. For drought-tolerant flowers and trees (such as cactus) and wet flowers and trees, water should be watered according to the principle of “drying without wetting” and “wetting without drying”. For dormant or semi-dormant flowers such as tulips, clivia, and cyclamen in the summer, the amount of watering should be strictly controlled so as to keep the basin soil slightly wet. Otherwise, the basin soil is too wet to cause rot, and the basin soil is too dry to cause root atrophy. Watering time should be good in the early morning and early evening. Watering at noon should be avoided so as to avoid excessive wetness of water and basin soil and physiological diseases in the root system.

Reasonable fertilization: Fertilizer applied to potted plants in summer should be treated according to the principle of “fertilizing with thin fertilizers”, otherwise it will lead to root rot. The types of fertilization vary according to the ecological habits of flowers and trees: more nitrogen is needed for the foliage plants, more potassium is needed for the bulbous flowers, and more phosphorus is required for the flower and flowers of the Guanhua concept. Nitrogen and phosphorus are applied to the fertilizer during fertilization. Potassium ratio must be focused. The amount of fertilizer applied is usually a thin liquid fertilizer for a half month. If organic fertilizers are used, only fully cooked fertilizers should be applied and no raw or semi-mature fertilizers should be applied. For jasmine, pomegranate, and season begonia that bloom in summer, fertilization should be stopped for dormant or semi-dormant flowers. It is advisable to use the fertilizer in the early evening. Water should be poured one time the next day to avoid damage to the root system.

Prevention and control of pests: high temperature and humidity in summer, and the occurrence and spread of pests and diseases. Frequently occurring diseases include anthrax, leaf spot, powdery mildew, and gray mold. Common insect pests include spider mites, aphids, scale insects, and underground pests.

The methods of prevention include: First, cultivate robust plants and improve their ability to resist diseases and insect pests. The second is air and light transmission to reduce the amount of pests and diseases. The third is to remove the diseased branches and diseased leaves in time. The fourth is to manually capture pests. The fifth is to use carbendazim, chlorothalonil, thiophanate-methyl and other liquids to prevent and treat diseases. Sixth, the use of trichlorfon, omethoate, dicofol and other agents to control pests.

In addition, we must do a good job in ventilation, light transmission, and plastic trimming to reduce the amount of pests and diseases and nutrient consumption, and to create beautiful flowers and trees.

Other Agricultural products

Agricultural products" means agricultural, horticultural, viticultural, and dairy products, livestock and the products thereof, the products of poultry and bee raising, the edible products of forestry, and any and all products raised or produced on farms and processed or manufactured products


An agricultural product is a product you get when you cultivate plants or animals to sustain or enhance human life. Food is the most widely produced agricultural product, and, in fact, the global per-person food supply (as measured in calories per person) has risen more than 20 percent in the past 50 years.

But people also use a vast array of agricultural products every day for other uses, ranging from the clothes we wear to the paper we write on.

1, [agricultural products]: in the production of agricultural items such as rice, wheat, sorghum, cotton, tobacco, sugar cane and so on.

2, according to Agricultural Product Quality Safety provisions of Article II of agricultural products is the primary products from agriculture, that is obtained in the agricultural activities of plants, animals, microorganisms and their products.


3, World Trade Organization (WTO) agricultural product categories will be defined as "including live animals and animal products, vegetable products, fats and decomposition products, food and beverages." Definition of this concept is relatively broad. "PRC Agricultural Product Quality Safety" agricultural products defined as "animals, plants, microorganisms and their products directly processed." Since agricultural products are the main source of food, but also an important source of industrial raw materials, agricultural products into edible agricultural products and non-food agricultural products

Other Agricultural Product

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