Phalaenopsis greenhouse cultivation techniques

Phalaenopsis greenhouse cultivation techniques

Phalaenopsis is Orchidaceae, a genus of moth orchids, a perennial herb that originates from the tropical region of Malaysia. It is both a rare cut flower and a potted flower in the interior. Because of its graceful, graceful and superb, flower-shaped magic, it is loved by flower lovers. However, due to the strict requirements on environmental conditions and the very high price, many flower growers are stunned and afraid to care. The following provides my garden a simple and practical cultivation techniques for the majority of flower farmers reference.

The selection and colonization of the substrate: Phalaenopsis is epiphytic blue, the root is the root of fleshy air, the selected matrix should be loose and breathable, and have certain water and fertilizer retention properties. Commonly used substrates include mosses, water plants, or pine bark. Wood chips or mixed substrates of peat and half of bricks can also be used. When planting, two pairs of new leaf seedlings were gently moved into a matrix-containing nutrient solution (the nutrient solution is preferably a light-transmissive polyethylene terephthalate), and the depth should not be less than the base of the stem.

1 Fertilizer management?

Phalaenopsis likes to grow in an environment where the air humidity is 75% to 80%. In order to increase the humidity of the air, watering is generally used to spray water, but the sprinkling and spraying tend to leave water stains on the leaves, which affects the photosynthesis of leaf light; therefore, it is better to use soft water or rainwater. In the hot summer season, in order to reduce temperature and increase humidity, appropriate amount of fresh water can be sprayed daily; in the winter and spring season, due to low temperatures, it can be sprayed about once every half month. Phalaenopsis fertilization is generally applied by spraying. Spray 0.1 to 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or "Bao Lifeng" foliar fertilizer once or twice a week.

2 Lighting Management?

Since the phalaenopsis is very moist and cloudy, shade nets should be installed in the greenhouse. ?

3 Ventilation?

In order to maintain high air humidity, Phalaenopsis is generally ventilated for 2 to 3 hours a day. If a CO 2 fertilization system is installed in the shed, it can also reduce the air release time. ?

4 temperature management?

Phalaenopsis most suitable growth temperature is 22 ~ 28 °C. ?

5 Pest control?

Phalaenopsis is most susceptible to bacterial soft rot due to its environmental impact. The disease mainly affects the leaves and stems. Once the disease occurs, it will be difficult to eradicate. Therefore, prevention should be the main method. 72% of agricultural streptomycin 0.025% solution can be sprayed, once every 10 days, and sprayed 5 to 7 times. Phalaenopsis is less pests, mainly zooplankton in some waters, and can be used to control roots by 0.125% solution. ?

6 change basin?

Phalaenopsis grows to a certain size. When the original nutrient pods limit their growth, they can use larger nutrients. The method is similar to that when planting. ?

Flowering and conservation: Phalaenopsis at 15 °C about 10 ~ 15d to complete the vernalization and convulsions flowering, convulsions should be strengthened after the management of water and fertilizer, appropriate addition of a little potassium, can promote the formation of buds. After 30 to 50 days of twitching, flowering can take place. The flowers can also be turned into a certain shape with the wire, and the flowers can be moved to an appropriate size pot. Multiple plants can also be moved into the same pot and combined into different shapes. Bonsai. If a cut flower is harvested, the 2nd to 3rd florets to be painted are opened and harvested.

Royal Jelly is also called Bee Milk. The fresh royal jelly is slightly ropy milk paste  substance; it is the excretive mixture of nutrition gland and maxilla gland of the head of little worker bee. The worker bees use this to feed the 1-3 days` worker bee larva and drone larva, 1-5.5 days` queen bee larva and queen bee in the oviposition period. The royal jelly is the biologic product containing very complicated active elements which contains almost all the nutrition elements required by the growth of the human body.

Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly,Natural Royal Jelly,Healthy Royal Jelly,Organic Fresh Royal Jelly

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