Improving the survival rate of lean-type piglets 10 methods

Improving the survival rate of lean-type piglets 10 methods

1. Choose lean-type piglets that grow fast and have good carcass traits. Such as Dylan, Pietrain, St. Tesili, Duroc, and three-way hybrid pigs. 2. Control the temperature. The temperature of the delivery room is above 15°C, and the temperature of the piglet incubator is above 30°C. The plastic film can be covered with wood or a simple insulated box can be made from a metal cylinder and a 100 watt bulb. 3. Fix the nipple. Fixing the nipple within 3 days is the key to improve the survival rate of suckling pigs. A pig is allowed to eat a nipple milk, with the small pigs in the front and the big pigs feeding in the back. Try to eat the same nipple, scratch their ears and separate it. For example, piglets can be fostered. 4. Feed in time. It can make piglets gain weight faster. At the age of 4 days, white sugar and suckling pig can be mixed and mixed into a paste to wipe the mouth of the suckling pig. Training twice a day, the pig will eat it after 6 to 7 days. The more pre-weaning pigs eat, the less diarrhea after weaning. 5. Promote sows to produce more milk. Pregnancy sows should be appropriate, only 80%. Prenatal reductions, postpartum increase, and reductions before weaning. Feed more green feed. 6. Do a good job of weaning. Weaning should take a gradual transition. After weaning, the composition of the feed remained unchanged, and the amount of feed could be reduced and the number of feedings increased. Changes in temperature should not be too large. 7. Prevent piglets from crouching. Ensure proper temperature, ventilation and drying of the pigsty; strict implementation of the sow immunization program; timely supply of clean drinking water, feeding of full-priced feed; once diarrhea, timely disinfection and injection of antibiotics. 8. Prevention of stiff pigs. For stiff pigs caused by eating less milk can be solved through foster care; poorly fed stiff pigs can be dewormed, stomachic, fed with high protein feed, and iron supplements. 9. Dispel parasites. 60-day-old piglets were dewormed, stopped at noon for one meal, and repelled with insect repellent at night. 10. Do a good job of epidemic prevention. Use dual vaccine or triple vaccine for epidemic prevention.

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