Greenhouse vegetables against "three diseases"

Greenhouse vegetables against "three diseases"

Melon vegetables in winter greenhouses are prone to diseases, among which downy mildew, gray mold and bacterial leaf spot disease are the most harmful, which seriously affects the cultivation efficiency of winter sheds and must be prevented and controlled early. 1. Downy mildew. In the greenhouse temperature 15-30 °C, humidity more than 80% of the most vulnerable to disease, mainly harm the leaves of vegetables. A blister-like lesion on the margin of the true leaf or on the back of the lesion occurs, especially in the more humid morning. The lesions were polygonal brown or yellow-brown plaques, and later lesions were broken or contiguous, causing the leaf margins to curl up and dry up. In severe cases, even the entire shed was brown. The disease develops rapidly. If you do not pay attention to prevention and control, it takes only 2-3 days to infect the entire shed. Prevention and control methods: 1 selection of antibacterial species, improved cultivation techniques, the use of under-membrane irrigation, water control before the melon, pay attention to ventilation, in the rainy days when spraying can be used to dust or aerosol, without water agent To reduce the humidity, it is forbidden to rain on rainy days. In addition, a 0.3% urea, 0.3% sugar, and 0.2% vinegar mixture can be sprayed once every half month during the growth period to prevent disease and help growth. After emergence, adhere to regular spraying once every 7-10 days, available chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times, carbendazim wettable powder 500 times, or 400 aluminum phosphorus aluminum wettable powder. The onset of the disease has been promptly treated with 200 mg of aluminum phosphonate wettable powder 200-300 times, or 64% of antiviral 500 times, or 58% of thiram blue zinc 500 times. On rainy days, 45% chlorothalonil aerosol (500 g/ha) or chlorothalonil dust can be used to effectively control the spread of the disease. 2, gray mold. The disease is caused by fungal pathogens, and it is easy to occur at humidity greater than 60% and temperature between 15-25°C, especially in continuous cropping, excessive nitrogen fertilizer application, large and small irrigation, poor ventilation, and weak plants. Infection. It mainly harms stems, leaves and young melons. The bacteria first invade the unsuccessful flower, causing the petals to rot, and then spreading to the young larvae. The diseased flowers land on the leaves and cause disease. When the stalks are damaged, they cause local rot. In severe cases, the stalks break and the whole plant dies. Control methods: Similar to downy mildew, prevention and control should first consider the selection of disease-resistant varieties, and at the same time strengthen the cultivation and management, control nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, strengthen ventilation and so on. For the disease shed, 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 700 times, or 80% anthraquinone formamide powder 500 times, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times, should be sprayed 2-3 times. Have a good control effect. 3, bacterial angular spot. The disease occurs at temperatures between 10-30°C and humidity greater than 80%. The higher the humidity is, the heavier the disease is, especially in the rainy days when the ventilation is short or when it is not released. In addition, the seedlings are too long, too dense, too much water, or lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can cause the disease. The main damage leaves, stems and fruits. The cotyledon is infected, it appears as a water-immersed subcircular depression spot, and the microstrip is yellowish-brown; the true leaf is infected, the spot is fresh green, and it gradually changes to light brown. After the lesion is expanded, it is limited by the veins and becomes polygonal. Or square, beige or tan. When the humidity is high, the leaves overflow with milky turbid, watery bacilli. After drying, they appear as bright, white bacilli. The late disease is brittle and easy to perforate. The disease focuses on prevention, and it is possible to use disease-resistant varieties and improve cultivation techniques for prevention and treatment. After onset, it must be robbed and firmly controlled in the initial stage. It can use 14% ammonia solution, 300 times liquid, or 50% methyl cream wettable powder 600 times, or 77% can kill powder 400 times, even spray 3 -4 times. Once the disease develops into the middle and late stages, it is not easy to prevent and control.

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