Fifteen Methods for Safe Wintering of Young Fruit Trees

Fifteen Methods for Safe Wintering of Young Fruit Trees

During the winter and winter season, fruit trees below 4-5 years old, such as apples, pears, peaches, persimmons, walnuts, chestnuts, etc., are less resistant to cold and are vulnerable to varying degrees of frost damage, resulting in tree damage or death. The following freezing methods are available for selection: 1. Phosphorus-planting: When transplanting fruit trees, the roots of seedlings are immersed in a phosphorus solution prepared with 1.5 kg of superphosphate, 50 kg of water and 10 kg of powdered yellow mud. Soaking for 30 minutes before planting, cold and antifreeze better. If you dip in the phosphorus solution, then pick some ABT rooting powder, antifreeze better. 2, moderate pruning: late autumn or early winter season, on the year or previously planted saplings, branches and leaves can be properly pruned to reduce nutrient consumption, increase accumulation and improve cold resistance. 3, short-term imitation: the newly purchased fruit saplings, in the event of freezing weather can not be planted, can be concentrated in the leeward sun to a period of time, to be replanted in the spring of the following year. 4, control prosperous: too much fertilizer late, especially partial nitrogen fertilizer, easy to greed for a long time, reduce the cold resistance. Therefore, the early stage should be promoted, and the accumulation should be enhanced. The later period should be controlled, watering should be reduced, and appropriate amounts of P and K should be applied in order to prevent leggy and increase cold resistance. 5, a reasonable load: saplings as a result of too much, too early, easy to weaken the tree vigor, causing frost damage and pests and diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to spend a reasonable load of fruit thinning and sparse fruit, and at the same time timely harvesting to prevent pests and diseases to protect the leaves, so that the tree can increase nutrient storage and improve its antifreeze ability. 6. Winding of the cofferdam: In the northwest of the sapling, 50 centimeters from the root, a semi-circular baffle with a height of about 50 centimeters is used to protect the neck from freezing. 7, buried soil cold: Before freezing, the 1-2 year old sap can be buried. The method is to gently bury the saplings toward the windward side and bury it in a pile of earth. The principle of not sticking out branches and not allowing the wind is to bury the saplings and gently tamper with the shovel. 8, grass and fertilizer: can not overwhelm the saplings, can be covered under the tree (that is, around the crown) 10-20 cm thick straw, deciduous, green manure, while spreading 20 kg of organic fertilizer (such as plant ash, manure, etc.) To stabilize and increase the temperature. 9, wrapped around the grass soil: Before the winter, with wheat straw, rice straw tie branches, or made into a tight grass trunk, big side branches, tied up, the soil at the base of the trunk. The soil should be removed in time in spring to increase the temperature of the ground and promote root activity. 10. As soon as possible, irrigate frozen water: water the soil before freezing, and adjust the soil temperature. It is advisable to use time when it is frozen during the day and night, and it is better to infiltrate the water before nightfall. After the winter irrigation, it is best to cover the grass, and also to shallow the surface, reduce the shallow frozen layer to prevent evaporation of water. 11, remove the snow: when the next snow, it is best to shake the tree in a timely manner, shake off the snow on the branches, to avoid crushing branches, reduce frost damage. 12, high access to species: the use of local seedlings high access, or high access in the cold anvil, can improve cold resistance. High-risk accession is an effective measure for freezing resistance of fruit trees in cold regions. 13, branches painted white: winter fruit trees painted white, can enhance the reflected light, so that day and night temperature stability, avoid sunburn night freeze. Whitening agent commonly used lime 5 kg, salt 1 kg, water 15 kg, soybean 0.25 kg prepared. 14, wrapped around the film: After freezing, in the sapling trunk smear animal oil (such as a good lard), and then wrapped in a plastic film on the trunk, lifted before the fourth year of the year, can inhibit the water evaporation of the tree, can effectively Prevent drawing. 15, spray protection agent: no sapling wrapped around the saplings in the winter in early November and early spring 2-3 months, spray 5 times paraffin emulsion, or 150 times carboxymethyl cellulose and other antifreeze protection 2-3 times, To close the branch stomata, reduce water loss and prevent drawing. In addition, for frozen fruit trees, we must strengthen soil management, apply nitrogen fertilizer to promote the growth of new shoots; pruning, in addition to cut frozen parts, as far as possible, light cut, try to cut branches to try to retain more leaf area; timely disease prevention Insects are sprayed with an inhibitor to avoid re-freezing; frozen wounds should be treated with amethorphan and arsenic; and fruit trees with frozen roots and necks should be bridged or rooted to restore tree vigor.


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