Seedlings for protection against cold six methods

Seedlings for protection against cold six methods

The use of cold-resistant varieties in order to improve the cold resistance of seedlings should be selected cold-resistant varieties, correctly grasp the sowing date, stop irrigation as soon as possible after the fall, and topdressing nitrogen fertilizer, plus phosphorus, potash fertilizer, strengthen loose soil, weeding, ventilation through Light and other management, so that the seedlings can be fully lignified before the winter to enhance the ability to resist cold. Broadleaf saplings dormant later can be controlled by cutting tip growth and promote lignification. Before the windbreak soil is frozen, the windward surface of the seedbed shall be protected against the cold with windbreaks such as straw. The average wind barrier is 2 meters high and the distance between obstacles is 10-15 times that of the obstacle. The second year of the spring and evening frost was removed after the termination. Wind barriers are not only able to block the cold wind, reduce wind speed, so that the seedlings can reduce cold damage, but also can increase snow, help soil conservation, early spring to prevent. Planting cold-proof seedlings The cold-resistant seedlings that need to be transplanted in the spring of the following year are dug before they enter the winter, and they are classified into the ditch to be planted and protected against cold. In cold regions, seedlings can also be buried in soil to prevent water loss from pumping. Heating sheds should be slightly taller than seedlings, lower in the south and higher in the north, and must be airtight on the ground in the north. They should be covered with straw curtains overnight, and they can be covered all day in cold weather. The greenhouse can reduce the radiation heat radiation from the surface and seedlings at night, alleviate the sudden increase in temperature at sunrise, and block the cold wind. Fume smoke has a frosty night. In the upper hand of the seedbed, 3-4 smoke piles are set up for each acre. When the temperature drops and there is frost, the smoke can be ignited. Try to make the fire small smoke, keep the thick smoke, lasting more than 1 hour, if you keep the smoke screen after sunrise 1-2 hours, the effect is better. Smoke smoke can increase surface temperature and effectively prevent frost. Before the soil is frozen, cover the seedlings with straw, wheat straw, etc. to prevent cold. For a small number of seedlings that are not tolerant to cold species, the seedlings can be covered with cold and the thickness of the seedlings is not revealed. In the spring of the following year, the soil can be removed after thawing.

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