Planting Chinese cabbage in summer

Planting Chinese cabbage in summer

Liu Huacheng, Zheng Ruiqiang, Guo Zhanmin and other 2150 farmers in the suburbs of Xinye County, Henan Province have planted 3,080 mu of summer Chinese cabbage since 2000. The average yield per mu is 4000 kg. The average unit price is 0.5-0.8 yuan/kg, and the mu income is about 3,000 yuan. . After a door-to-door survey, the authors learned that they planted summer cabbage as follows: Clever selection of good varieties with resistance to heat 45 as the head of the species, the species short growth period, 60 days harvest, tight ball, good quality, average yield per mu Up to about 4000 kg, antiviral disease, resistant to downy mildew, more resistant to soft rot, still capable of normal balling at around 35°C, suitable for early spring protection and summer cultivation, it is an ideal species for off-season production of Chinese cabbage . The suitable sowing date for the sowing date summer is the beginning of June - the end of July. After planting crops on the ridges, weeds and stubbles were cleared. Moshi decomposed organic manure was used between 3,000 kg and 5,000 kg, ternary compound fertilizer was 75 kg, and methyl isothioate was between 4 kg and 5 kg. Kg superphosphate, 10 kilograms of zinc sulphate, deep turning fine, so that land formation. In order to facilitate drainage, high ridge or sorghum cultivation is required. The ridge distance is 40 cm and the width is 80 cm. In order to prevent pests and diseases, 0.75 kg of thiophanate-methyl and 10 kg of fine soil were used per acre to apply pesticides under the armpits. The sowing method will be broadcast live after June 1st, before the nutritious soil blocks can be used to grow seedlings and seedlings will be transplanted. To save seeds during live broadcast, holecasting is better. Use 50 grams per acre - 100 grams, after sowing coverage of 0.5 cm thick fine soil, and flattened compaction, spacing between 33 cm - 37 cm, row spacing 40 cm, 4500 per acre - 5000. Field management of seedlings, Dingmiao in the 3 - 4 leaves when the first time the seedlings, 5 - 6 leaves when the Dingmiao. When young seedlings and young seedlings are planted, they are prevented from injuring the roots in order to prevent the occurrence of soft rot, with 4500 seedlings per acre (5,000 strains). The management of fertilizer and water in summer has high temperature and rapid evaporation of soil moisture. We should always keep the soil moist and prevent the soil from getting wet and dry. In high temperature and dry weather, we should increase the amount of watering. Drain the water in time of rain or rain to prevent the accumulation of land. Water, causing rot. Summer cabbage wrapped in the heart 10 days - 15 days pouring a permeable, cultivating seedlings. After watering the seedlings, they must follow a strong fertilizer. During the ball stage, pay attention to maintaining the soil moisture, and white water should be promptly watered. In combination with irrigation, apply 10 kg of urea or 15 kg of ammonium sulfate to the hole or the ditch. The main point of fertilization should be far away from the plants so as not to burn the root system. Stop watering 5 days before harvest - 7 days, this is the key to the harvest of summer cabbage. Covering the fields with heat and weeds, cover the fields with wheat straw or straw. Pest control The major diseases of summer cabbage are downy mildew and soft rot, and the diseased plants must be removed in time. Downy mildew can be controlled at the beginning of the disease with 40% EB aluminum wettable powder 200 times - 300 times liquid, or 50% methionine 500 times - 600 times liquid, soft rot disease in the early stage of disease, per acre Use 50% DI fungicide 10g water 25kg - 30kg, or 200g Fengfengling - 300g water 100kg, can also use spray streptomycin 3000 times - 4000 times wettable powder spray control . The main insect pest was cabbage caterpillar, which was treated with card dead and green treasure or net prevention again.