Non-pollution vegetable soilless breeding method

Non-pollution vegetable soilless breeding method

Pollution-free vegetables refer to the production, cultivation, harvesting and transportation, storage and freshness of vegetable products, and even the supply of listed products. There are no harmful environmental factors and harmful substances, and the products are of high quality, nutrition, and cleanliness. The so-called no-harmful environmental factors and pollution of hazardous substances means that environmental factors such as soil, water, and air, as well as fertilizers, pesticides, and other substances used, will not cause adverse effects on the health of people and livestock. Its pesticides, heavy metals, nitrates and other harmful substances in the residue, in line with the country, industry (FAO, World Health Organization) within the limits of the vegetables. The equipment and materials required for soilless seedlings during the production of pollution-free vegetables include germination and emergence rooms, afforestation rooms, transplanting seedlings, automatic temperature control devices, and nursery attachments. The method of raising seedlings focuses on the following four aspects: (1) Culture medium preparation Solanaceous fruit sowing culture medium can be prepared with 90% perlite plus 10% culture soil. 60% carbonized chaff (washing once), yellow sand, and 10% culture soil can also be used. Melon sowing broth culture, with pure charring chaff as well. Transfer seedlings can use 70% perlite plus 30% culture soil, or 70% carbonized chaff plus 30% culture soil. Remember that the culture soil must be sterilized. (II) Seeding and Emergence The germination and sprouting are performed in the chamber (to seal the chamber). The volume is generally 8-10 cubic meters. The multi-layer nursery tray is set inside the house. Generally, an 8 cubic meter emergence chamber can meet 33.3 hectares of tomato. Fruit and fruit crops need. More than 220 seedling trays (4,030 rice) can be placed. The seeding rate for each seedling tray is roughly: 3 grams of tomato, 6 grams of pepper or eggplant, and 10 grams of cucumber. During the emergence period, the room temperature is automatically controlled at about 30°C by electric heating. The time from sowing to emergence was 2 days for cucumber; 3-4 days for tomato; 4-6 days for pepper and eggplant. (3) Greening and greening shall be carried out in greening greenhouses with good insulation properties. The area is generally 200-300 square meters. There is a green bed (or green pond) in the room. The seedling plate is placed on the bed (pool). The lower part is heated by electric heating, or the seedling tray is directly placed on the indoor floor. Under the electric heating, set a plastic shed insulation. The area of ​​discs for green beds should generally be 2-3 times more than the disc area for seedlings. When the seeds are sown, the seedlings will be planted and protected at the time of emergence. The seedling discs shall be transplanted in the afforestation room in a timely manner. The initial temperature shall be 25-30° C. during the day and 15° C. or more during the night. Thereafter, the temperature shall be gradually lowered. After the seedlings were exposed to sunlight in the green room A, the color of the cotyledons turned green. In the greening period, the cotyledons of the seedlings are generally fully developed and greened. The tomato seedling takes 6 days, the pepper and eggplant seedling takes 10 days, and the cucumber seedling takes 4 days. (4) The seedlings are transplanted and transplanted in the transplanting seedlings. The types of the seedlings vary depending on the conditions. They can be carried out in greenhouses, hotbeds, plastic impregnation, plastics and greenhouses. However, it is better to move the seedlings with double layers, that is, plastic sheds of 6-8 meters in width cover a number of small arches and impregnations. After the greening period is over, the seedlings are transplanted, and then the conventional method is used to raise the seedlings.