Three Kinds of Prevention and Control of Green Pepper Diseases

Three Kinds of Prevention and Control of Green Pepper Diseases

There are three main types of green pepper diseases: First, green pepper disease, which is the main disease in the production of green peppers. The incidence of seedlings can cause cataplexy, and severe seedlings cause death. The incidence of adult plants can damage various parts, resulting in leaf and fruit blight, softening and rot, and the disease department has a gray and white mold layer. Prevention and control should avoid continuous cropping with melons and solanaceous fruit, and should be cultivated with high sorghum to clear up the pastoral areas, remove diseased plants, diseased leaves, and diseased fruits in time; reasonably apply water and control water; use 40% phosphine-aluminum aluminum wettable powder 200 times for initial disease. , Or 64% anti-virus M8 wet powder 400-500 times, or 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times spray control. The second is anthracnose of green pepper, which can be affected from seedlings to adult plants, and mainly damage leaves and fruits. When the disease is found, use 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 500-600 times, or 50% carbendazim WP 400-600 times, or 25% Bacillus WP 750-1000 times. Liquid spray control. The third is the soft rot of green peppers. If this disease is found, 72% of agricultural streptomycin should be sprayed 4000 times, or neemectin should be 4000 times, or 77% can kill 500 times.

Black Garlic Paste is made of Peeled Black Garlic without supplements. The paste appears brown to black and is without any impurities. It has a rich garlic odor and it tastes sour with a hint of sweet.The paste is convenient and very easy to eat. It is usable directly after opening, eaten directly or spreaded on bread slices and biscuits.

Black Garlic Paste

Black Garlic Sause(Paste)

Black Garlic Sauce,Black Garlic Paste,Fermented Black Garlic Sauce,Pure Black Garlic Paste

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