Melon Jelly

Melon Jelly

The cost of jelly produced with wax gourd is about half that of fruit jelly, which is suitable for home workshop production. Formula: 100 kg of melon juice, 25 kg each of sucrose, starch syrup, 5 eggs, 0.5 kg of agar, and the appropriate amount of citric acid. Production process: 1, the choice of materials. Choose fresh, mildew-free, large, fleshy gourd as raw material. 2, cleaning. Remove impurities such as mud and sand from the surface of the melon, remove the skin, and remove the seed pods. 3, precooked. The melon is boiled in a pressure cooker to soften the gourd. The whole process should not exceed 5 minutes. 4, juice. The softened wax gourd is fed into a juicer for juicing. 5, filter. The juice was filtered with gauze, 5 eggs were stirred into a foam, slowly poured into the filtrate, stirred thoroughly with a stirrer, and allowed to stand, and the upper clear transparent melon juice was taken. 6, adjust. Add 10% agar solution (agar is 0.5% of melon) and adjust the pH with citric acid to adjust it to 3.1-3.5. 7, concentrated. The sucrose, starch syrup, and honey were mixed and mixed into a 50% sugar solution, mixed with melon juice, and sent to a vacuum thickener for concentration. 8, packaging. The concentrated product is poured hot into a clean polypropylene packaging box. After cooling and condensation, it can be sealed and sold.


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